Message: XCOMM0780E Txpi 236: CheckProtocol: call getaddrinfo() failed: EDC9502I The name or address could not be resolved at this time.
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Message: XCOMM0780E Txpi 236: CheckProtocol: call getaddrinfo() failed: EDC9502I The name or address could not be resolved at this time.


Article ID: 31377


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


If you recently applied IBM PTF UI27255 and you start to receive messages:
XCOMM0780E Txpi 236: CheckProtocol: call getaddrinfo() failed:
EDC9502I The name or address could not be resolved at this time.
Please contact IBM and ask for IBM APAR BI44748. IBM PTF UI27255 was marked as PE.


Release: XCOM..01300-11.6-XCOM Data Transport-for AIX