Using the /api/ni/auth/token API to Obtain an Authentication Token with a Local Account in Aria Operations for Networks (formerly vRNI)
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Using the /api/ni/auth/token API to Obtain an Authentication Token with a Local Account in Aria Operations for Networks (formerly vRNI)


Article ID: 313764


Updated On:


VMware Aria Operations for Networks


The POST /api/ni/auth/token API endpoint can generate an authentication token for a local account. However, a 401 Unauthorized response may occur if the request payload is not formatted correctly for a local account.

For example, the following request may result in a 401 Unauthorized error:


POST https://<hostFQDN>/api/ni/auth/token
Content-Type: application/json
{ "username": "user@domain",
"password": "password",
"domain": {
   "domain_type": "LDAP",
   "value": ""



{ "code": 401,
"message": "Unauthorized",
"details": []

This occurs because the request includes a domain field specifying an LDAP domain, which is not applicable for local accounts.


The POST /api/ni/auth/token API endpoint supports generating an authentication token for a local account. It is important to note that the "domain" field is mandatory, and for local accounts, "domain_type": "LOCAL" (in uppercase) must be specified.

Here is an example request for a local account:


POST https://<hostFQDN>/api/ni/auth/token
Content-Type: application/json
{ "username": "user@domain",
"password": "password",
"domain": {
   "domain_type": "LOCAL" }


{ "token": "<bearer_token>",
"expiry": <date/time/value>

This ensures that authentication requests for local accounts are processed successfully.