[VMC on AWS] SDR appliance does not have access to the target datastore during HCX OSAM migration
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[VMC on AWS] SDR appliance does not have access to the target datastore during HCX OSAM migration


Article ID: 313718


Updated On:


VMware HCX VMware Cloud on AWS


To identify and provide a resolution for the customer.

You may see an error message "Unable to migrate VM as the SDR appliance does not have access to the target datastore" when attempting to perform a HCX OSAM migration to a cluster.


This is caused if the environment contains multi-clusters in VMC. If HCX was originally deployed with a single cluster and another cluster was added, a separate Compute Profile will need to be created where the cluster networks (management/vMotion) can be independent.


Create a separate Compute Profile for the additional cluster.

A workaround would be to use Cluster 1 for the destination and then performing a vMotion back to the other Cluster after the OSAM has been completed.

Additional Information

Getting Started with VMware HCX

This is expected behavior as having a separate Compute Profile per cluster will allow to have dedicated IX/OSAM appliances via a separate Service Mesh