[VMC on AWS] Inaccurate VPC ENI Displayed in VMC Console Networking and Security.
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[VMC on AWS] Inaccurate VPC ENI Displayed in VMC Console Networking and Security.


Article ID: 313717


Updated On:


VMware Cloud on AWS


This cosmetic issue impacts SDDCs version 1.18. This issue does not impact the connectivity. 
Provide information on a known cosmetic issue impacting SDDCs running versions of 1.18.

A discrepancy can be seen in what is being displayed on the VMC Console Networking and Security page for cross-VPC ENI. The prefix list appears to be pointing to the wrong ENI (it is pointing to the ENI for the standby edge host, not the active edge host) according to that view.
View from the VMC Console Networking and Security Tab:

The Active NSX Edge ID should have the same ENI as the Connected Amazon VPC and the ENI seen in the AWS networking. Due to the cosmetic issue, this VMC Console view may or may not show the correct ENI information for the Connected VCP.


This is due to a known cosmetic issue in the VMC Console Networking and Security Tab.


The Connected Amazon VCP cosmetic issue has been resolved in SDDCs version 1.22 or later.

Currently there is no workaround. To confirm the current ENI configuration, please engage with VMware Support for assistance.
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