Unable to Restore Guest Files in VLCR
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Unable to Restore Guest Files in VLCR


Article ID: 313706


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VMware Live Recovery


  • The restore guest files for a VM snapshot using VLCR fails with error "An unexpected error has occurred. If this situation persists, contact support".
  • This error is seen for every VM and every VM snapshot (especially for larger VMDKs).



VMware Live Cyber Recovery 7.26.x and earlier


This is caused by a limit on the cache space, as vLCR will cache VMDKs on demand. In the case for large VMDK files, it will take a considerable amount of time. The UI has a predefined timeout of 60 seconds, which is not sufficient enough for larger VMs. 

This issue is seen in VLCR versions 7.26.x or earlier.


  • This issue is fixed in VLCR version 7.27.x


Run the initial restore guest files workflow, wait for ~5 minutes after it fails, and then attempt again.

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