This article will list the steps to collect logs for the following VLCR components
VMware Live Cyber Recovery
1. Log in to the VLCR UI.
Note: Collecting logs from UI only collects Cloud Backup and Connector logs, all other logs need to be collected manually using CLI method.
2. Click on Protected Sites, and then select the protected site you want to pull logs for in list.
3. Click the hamburger icon and then click 'Send support bundle'.
4. After submitting the support bundle, note down the support ID.
Collecting logs from VCDR Connector CLI
Generating Support Bundle Logs for Cloud DVX (CDVX)
3. Run the following commands from the connector CLI to connect to Cloud DVX via its IP and once connected, run support submit
>> dev aws connect <Cloud DVX IP>
>> sudo su -
>> support submit
Generating Support Bundle Logs for ControlShift (IRR)
3. Run the following commands from the connector CLI to connect to ControlShift via its IP and once connected, run support submit
>> dev aws connect <ControlShift IP>
>> sudo su -
>> support submit
How to manually pull Connector Appliance logs: