To provide cause and steps to troubleshoot snapshot failure
Following error is seen in VCDR UI
Severity Warning Timestamp pm11h ago Target VMCAWS Linux - VMDR2 Description Failed to backup VM 'VM NAME' (/VM NAME/VM NAME.vmx) during stage: finishing backup, for task: drc-UUID. High-frequency snapshot failed. Internal error: DPS deltaSync failed (Sync call failed on DpFaultSnapshotTransportFault).drcMgr.log
[.drc-backup-restore-threads-5] DrcLoadBalancer: Selected DRC Agent service UUID-domain-UUID (0 running tasks) for new DRC task 42b1bc8b.
[.drc-backup-restore-threads-5] DrcLoadBalancer: adding drcMgr task drc-mgr-UUID to DRCAgent service UUID-domain-UUID with 0 active tasks.
[.drc-backup-restore-threads-5] [BKUP 42b1bc8b] drcAgentDvxId UUID from drcAgentSvcId UUID-domain-UUID, siteId UUID, clusterMoId domain-c23871
[.drc-backup-restore-threads-5] [BKUP 42b1bc8b] Forwarding request to UUID-domain-UUID
[.drc-backup-restore-threads-5] [BKUP 42b1bc8b] Task on remote agent on siteId UUID: drc-agent-UUID ......
[.drc-backup-restore-threads-5] [BKUP 42b1bc8b] Task drc-agent-UUID status is RUNNING (progress 0.0)
[.drc-backup-restore-threads-5] [BKUP 42b1bc8b] Task drc-agent-UUID status is ERROR (progress 0.0)
[.drc-backup-restore-threads-5] DrcLoadBalancer: removing drcMgr task drc-mgr-UUID from DRCAgent service UUID-domain-UUID with 1 active tasks. @cee{"timestamp":"TIMESTAMP", "priority":"ERROR", "threadName":"drc-backup-restore-threads-5", "codeLocation":"", "msg":"[BKUP 42b1bc8b] Task drc-agent-UUID failed: errorCodes: 6900 @cee{"timestamp":"TIMESTAMP", "priority":"ERROR", "threadName":"drc-backup-restore-threads-5", "codeLocation":"", "msg":"[BKUP 42b1bc8b] Failed during backup: errorCodes: 6900 @cee{"timestamp":"TIMESTAMP", "priority":"INFO", "threadName":"drc-backup-restore-threads-5", "codeLocation":"", "msg":"[DRCTASK 42b1bc8b] Task drc-mgr-UUID aborted with an error errorCodes: 6900 2023-11-09T03:02:27.411+0000 [.drc-backup-restore-threads-5] [BKUP 42b1bc8b] Disconnecting connHandle for cleanup (END)