[VMC on AWS] The properties that are transferred while migrating VMs from On-Prem to SDDC
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[VMC on AWS] The properties that are transferred while migrating VMs from On-Prem to SDDC


Article ID: 313696


Updated On:


VMware Cloud on AWS


This article provides information about the properties that are transferred from source to destination and those that need to be manually updated while Migrating VMs from On-prem to VMC SDDC.


Upon Migrating VMs from On-prem to VMC SDDC, the listed properties exhibit the following behaviour 

  • Distributed Firewall rules 

-->A Distributed Firewall (DFW) runs in the kernel as a VIB(vSphere Installation Bundle) package on all the ESXi host clusters that are prepared for NSX. DFW is implemented in the hypervisor and applied to virtual machines on a per-vNIC basis i.e; the firewall rules are enforced at the vNIC of each virtual machine. Thus, DFW rules need to be updated manually on the SDDC as they are not transferred or copied from On-Prem.

  • Tags

-->Device tags allow identifying a specific device without requiring a device profile, smart group, or compliance policy and without creating a note. The tag feature is integrated with smart groups, meaning tags can be used to define a smart groupTags are mapped to the device so the Tags associated with the VM’s will remain even if the VMs are migrated from OnPrem to SDDC.

Additional Information

Reference Links:
  1. Distributed Firewall rule: https://via.vmw.com/EUZi
  2. Device Tags: https://via.vmw.com/EUZg
  3. Add or Modify Distributed Firewall Rules:https://via.vmw.com/EUZh