[VMC on AWS] How to reconfigure HCX Service Mesh without unextending Network Extension
Article ID: 313680
Updated On:
VMware Cloud on AWS
This article provides information how to reconfigure HCX Service Mesh without unextending Network Extension.
You can reconfigure your HCX Service Mesh without unextending your networks by Network Extension. This may work when your Service Mesh has some malfunctions such as HCX upgrading was not completed normally.
Navigate to the HCX Manager Service UI.
Verify that no migration or protection operations are running.
Navigate to Interconnect > Multi-Site Service Mesh > Service Mesh tab and click EDIT your Service Mesh.
Click CONTINUE several times.
In "Select Services to be enabled" menu, disable all services which are enabled now except "Network Extension".
"Hybrid Interconnect"
"WAN Optimization Service"
"Cross-cloud vMotion Migration"
"Bulk Migration"
"Replication Assisted vMotion Migration"(If the feature has been enabled)
"Disaster Recovery"
"SRM Integration"
"OS Assisted Migration"(If the feature has been enabled)
Verify services are undeployed from your Service Mesh.
Reedit your Service Mesh again, and enabled services which have been disabled at "5.".
Verify services are redeployed in your Service Mesh. No need to RESYNC Service Mesh since any Compute Profiles and Network Profiles are modified in this process.