After ran the Uninstall a Harvester in Linux procedure listed on NFA Guide some services stay in the system
All NFA Version
The remove was not complete
Please remove using this procedure:
1. Run the following command to trigger the uninstaller, where /products/CA/NFA is your installation directory
2. Once the uninstaller completes delete the installation directory, for example:
rm -rf /opt/CA/NFA
3. Then delete the file below:
rm -rf /var/.com.zerog.registry.xml
4. Check NFA Services and remove:
cd /etc/rc.d/init.d/
nfa_collpollws -> /opt/CA/NFA/Netflow/bin/config_collpollws
nfa_dataretention -> /opt/CA/NFA/Netflow/bin/config_dataretention
nfa_filewebservice -> /opt/CA/NFA/Netflow/bin/config_filewebservice
nfa_harvester -> /opt/CA/NFA/Netflow/bin/config_harvester
nfa_mysqlCSE -> /opt/CA/NFA/Netflow/bin/config_mysqlCSE
nfa_poller -> /opt/CA/NFA/Netflow/bin/config_poller
nfa_proxies -> /opt/CA/NFA/Netflow/bin/config_proxies
nfa_reaper -> /opt/CA/NFA/Netflow/Reaper/config_reaper
nfa_vnadatacollector -> /opt/CA/NFA/Netflow/bin/config_vnadatacollector
5. Reboot the server.
At this point your Linux NFA Harvester software should be completely uninstalled and allow you to reinstall if necessary.