[VMC on AWS] ERROR: "Operation: Configure Target Site Data-Flow Rules Failed. unable to post lwd configuration" received while replicating a VM using HCX
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[VMC on AWS] ERROR: "Operation: Configure Target Site Data-Flow Rules Failed. unable to post lwd configuration" received while replicating a VM using HCX


Article ID: 313627


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VMware Cloud on AWS


The purpose of this documentation is to provide troubleshooting steps to address the error: " Operation: Configure Target Site Data-Flow Rules Failed. Reason: unable to post lwd configuration" received while replicating a VM.

Error: " Operation: Configure Target Site Data-Flow Rules Failed. Reason: unable to post lwd configuration" is received while replicating a Virtual Machine (VM).


The error indicates that the Target side Data Flow rules failed. ( Unable to Post lwd configuration )
It is recommended to re-initialize the Hybrid Cloud Extension (HCX) services. However, on doing this, the existing ongoing migrations/replications will be paused/lost briefly. 

On-Prem HCX manager services/Server, 

a. Log in to the VMware HCX Appliance Management interface: https://<hcx-ip-or-fqdn>:9443.
b. Navigate to Appliance Summary. (-->Configuration-> restart - Application Mgmt services )
c. All the services can be found to monitor or restart them. 

The only two services that are optional are the SNMP and SSH services. All others must always be running.

If the error is still not resolved, kindly reach out to VMware Cloud on AWS Technical chat support or file a Support Request. For more information, see How to file a Support Request in My VMware (2006985)