[VMC on AWS] ERROR: "Operation: Configure Target Site Data-Flow Rules Failed. unable to post lwd configuration" received while replicating a VM using HCX
Article ID: 313627
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VMware Cloud on AWS
The purpose of this documentation is to provide troubleshooting steps to address the error: " Operation: Configure Target Site Data-Flow Rules Failed. Reason: unable to post lwd configuration" received while replicating a VM.
Symptoms: Error: " Operation: Configure Target Site Data-Flow Rules Failed. Reason: unable to post lwd configuration" is received while replicating a Virtual Machine (VM).
The error indicates that the Target side Data Flow rules failed. ( Unable to Post lwd configuration ) It is recommended to re-initialize the Hybrid Cloud Extension (HCX) services. However, on doing this, the existing ongoing migrations/replications will be paused/lost briefly.
On-Prem HCX manager services/Server,
a. Log in to the VMware HCX Appliance Management interface: https://<hcx-ip-or-fqdn>:9443. b. Navigate to Appliance Summary. (-->Configuration-> restart - Application Mgmt services ) c. All the services can be found to monitor or restart them.
The only two services that are optional are the SNMP and SSH services. All others must always be running.