How to change the name of a VMware Aria Operations 8.x cluster
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How to change the name of a VMware Aria Operations 8.x cluster


Article ID: 313587


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


This document will provide instructions for changing the name of a VMware Aria Operations 8.x cluster.


VMware Aria Operations 8.x


NOTE: Before attempting the steps below, ensure that you have taken snapshots of each node in the cluster as per How to take a Snapshot of VMware Aria Operations.

  1. On a system with curl installed (most Linux systems or any of the VMware Aria Operations nodes), run the following command to verify the current cluster name:

    curl -k -u 'admin:<password>' https://<primary node IP/FQDN>/casa/deployment/cluster/info

    Note: Replace <password> with the admin account password and replace <primary node IP/FQDN> with the IP address or fully qualified domain name of the VMware Aria Operations cluster primary node.
    Output similar to the following will be returned:
    {"cluster_name":"Aria Operations Cluster Node","installation_state":"DONE","ha_state":"ENABLED","ca_state":"DISABLED","remove_node_state":"NONE","initialization_state":"NONE","online_state":"ONLINE","online_state_time":1738932522448,"online_state_reason_info":{"online_state_reason":"online_state.change_reason.upgrade_successful","last_status_date":"1738932522448"},"out_of_diskspace_slice":"","is_pak_installation_active":false,"is_pak_uninstall_active":false,"migration_state":null,"is_shrinking":false,"fail_going_offline":false}
    Note: The entry in quotes, immediately after "cluster_name" is the current cluster name. In the previous output, the cluster name is VMware Aria Operations cluster node.
  2. Run the following curl command to update the cluster name:

    curl -k -u 'admin:<password>' -X PUT https://<primary node IP/FQDN>/casa/deployment/cluster/info -d '{"cluster_name":"<new cluster name>"}' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'

    Note: Replace <password> with the admin account password, replace <primary node IP/FQDN> with the IP address or fully qualified domain name of the VMware Aria Operations cluster primary node and replace <new cluster name> with the new cluster name.
  3. Re-run the curl command from Step 1 to verify that cluster name has been updated.

Additional Information

The CASA REST API is not officially supported and the steps noted in this article might not work as expected in future versions of VMware Aria Operations.