uncaught syntaxerror; unexpected token or missing formal parameters thrown when accessing the https://**vROpsFQDN**/admin
Admin-ui logs will show the below or similar:
2019-11-12 08:09:13,160 [ajp-nio-] ERROR com.vmware.vcops.adminui.action.UtilityAction:27 - JavaScript Error - Msg:SyntaxError: missing formal parameter, Url: https://**IPofvROpsServer**/admin/e
xtjs5.1/build/ext-all.js, Line: 496
2019-11-12 08:06:38,659 [ajp-nio-] INFO com.vmware.vcops.util.admin.HTTPSRequester:329 - elapsed time in ms: 65
2019-11-12 08:06:38,676 [ajp-nio-] ERROR com.vmware.vcops.adminui.action.UtilityAction:27 - JavaScript Error - Msg:Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ), Url: https://**IPofvROpsServer**/admin/index.action, Line: 496