VMware Cloud Foundation Upgrade Dependency on vSphere with Tanzu
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VMware Cloud Foundation Upgrade Dependency on vSphere with Tanzu


Article ID: 313532


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VMware Cloud Foundation


On VMware Cloud Foundation environment with a vSphere with Tanzu deployed, the vCenter Server upgrade is blocked.


VMware Cloud Foundation 4.3.x
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.2.x
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.1
Vmware Cloud Foundation 4.5
VMware Cloud Foundation 4.4.x


vCenter upgrade will be blocked when the source Supervisor Tanzu Kubernetes version is not compatible with the target vCenter Server version.

Please refer to vSphere with Tanzu - Upgrade, Support and Kubernetes Versions to get details of the supported Supervisor Tanzu Kubernetes version with respect to vCenter Version.


You may need to follow a specific upgrade sequence based on the target VMware Cloud Foundation and K8s versions.

Review the Steps to follow below to determine the appropriate upgrade path.
Target VMware Cloud Foundation VersionTarget vCenter Server VersionTarget K8s VersionMinimum K8S Bridge Version  to perform target VMware Cloud Foundation upgrade,1.22,1.231.21
Current VMware Cloud Foundation VersionCurrent vCenter Server VersionPossible Current K8s VersionSteps to Follow
4.1 /, 1.17, 1.181,2,3,6
4.27.0.U1c1.16, 1.17, 1.181,2,3,6
4.37.0.U2c1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.201,7,4,3,6
4.3.1 /, 1.19, 1.207,4,3,6
4.47.0.U3c1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.213,6
4.4.1 /, 1.20, 1.213,6
Target VMware Cloud Foundation VersionTarget vCenter Server VersionTarget K8s VersionMinimum K8S Bridge Version  to perform target VMware Cloud Foundation upgrade,1.22,1.231.21
Current VMware Cloud Foundation VersionCurrent vCenter Server VersionPossible Current K8s VersionSteps to Follow
4.1 /, 1.17, 1.181,2,3,6
4.27.0.U1c1.16, 1.17, 1.181,2,3,6
4.37.0.U2c1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.201,7,4,3,6
4.3.1 /, 1.19, 1.207,4,3,6
4.47.0.U3c1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.213,6
4.4.1 /, 1.20, 1.213,6
Target VMware Cloud Foundation VersionTarget vCenter Server VersionTarget K8s VersionMinimum K8S Bridge Version  to perform target VMware Cloud Foundation upgrade
Current VMware Cloud Foundation VersionCurrent vCenter Server VersionPossible Current K8s VersionSteps to Follow
4.1 /, 1.17, 1.181,2,3,4
4.27.0.U1c1.16, 1.17, 1.181,2,3,4
4.37.0.U2c1.17, 1.18, 1.19,1.201,3,4
4.3.1 /, 1.19, 1.203,4
4.47.0.U3c1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.213,4
4.4.1 /,1.20, 1.213,4
Target VMware Cloud Foundation VersionTarget vCenter Server VersionTarget K8s VersionMinimum K8S Bridge Version  to perform target Vmware Cloud Foundation upgrade
Current VMware Cloud Foundation VersionCurrent vCenter Server VersionPossible Current K8s VersionSteps to Follow
4.1 /, 1.17, 1.181,2,3,5
4.27.0.U1c1.16, 1.17, 1.181,2,3,5
4.37.0.U2c1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.201,3,5
4.3.1 /, 1.19, 1.203,5
4.47.0.U3c1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 1.213,5
Target VMware Cloud Foundation VersionTarget vCenter Server VersionTarget K8s VersionMinimum K8S Bridge Version  to perform target VMware Cloud Foundation upgrade
Current VMware Cloud Foundation VersionCurrent vCenter Server VersionPossible Current K8s VersionSteps to Follow
4.1 /, 1.17, 1.181,2
4.27.0.U1c1.16, 1.17, 1.181,2
4.37.0.U2c1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.201,2
4.3.1 /, 1.19, 1.202

Note: This table does not capture scenarios when the vCenter Server is async patched on VMware Cloud Foundation. 

Step List 
Please identify and follow the steps based on the tables above:
  1. If the current K8s version is not 1.18 but 1.16 or 1.17 , please upgrade to 1.18 by following the Tanzu upgrade documentation.
  2. Perform skip/sequential upgrade to 4.4.
  3. Upgrade Kubernetes version from 1.18 to the appropriate bridge version mentioned in the table, this may involve multiple sequential Kubernetes version upgrade based on the target bridge version.  For example, if you are upgrading to VCF 4.4.1, upgrade Kubernetes to a minimum version of 1.19 sequentially from 1.18.
  4. Perform Skip upgrade to 4.5.
  5. Upgrade to 4.4.1/
  6. Perform Skip upgrade to 4.5.1 or 4.5.2
  7. Perform sequential Kubernetes version upgrades to reach the highest K8S version possible for that vCenter version. Refer blog link.