To unlock the VCF account, please use the steps mentioned below:
In a Web Browser, log into the vCenter Web Client.
Navigate to, and open a VM console, to VMware SDDC Manager VM.
From the console, log in with the root account.
Run the following command to reset the VCF account:
For VCF versions up to VCF OS 3.0), use
pam_tally2 --reset --user vcf
For VCF versions starting from VCF OS 4.0 onwards), use
faillock --reset --user vcf
Reset the password or the VCF account using the command below and enter a new password when prompted:
passwd vcf
Verify that the VCF account is now able to login by attempting a new SSH session.
To reset the root password for the SDDC Manager when the root password is locked out or unknown, refer to the following KB: