Fresh deploy of Aria 8.14 products on 4.x failing to complete Configure vRealize Log Insight Agent on vRealize Operations Manager Virtual Appliances
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Fresh deploy of Aria 8.14 products on 4.x failing to complete Configure vRealize Log Insight Agent on vRealize Operations Manager Virtual Appliances


Article ID: 313478


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite VMware Cloud Foundation


Ths article provides steps to unblock the Aria Operations 8.14 workflow and continue the integration on older versions of SDDC Manager.


Failure of Connect vRealize Operations to Domain.

Error logs in the /var/logs/vmware/vcf/domainmanager/domainmanager.log

2023-10-27T09:47:27.782+0000 ERROR [vcf_dm,dd74a961a4ffe258,9a24] [c.v.evo.sddc.common.util.SshUtil,dm-exec-16]  Unable to create jsch CLI session:
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: reject HostKey: {vrops.hostname}


Vmware Cloud Foundation 5.1
VMware Aria Operations 8.14.x


The ssh util requires the ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 key which in older versions of SDDC Manager is not put in the known host file.



Currently there is no resolution to the issue. This is been fixed in a future release.


To workaround the issue, please follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Log into SDDC Manager terminal, in home/vcf directory execute:

ssh-keyscan -t ecdsa vrops-master.vrack.vsphere.local >> .ssh/known_hosts

  1. Check if the key is successfully added in the file:

cat .ssh/known_hosts | grep vrops

  1. Restart the workflow.