In the log file /var/log/vmware/vmware-updatemgr/vum-server/vmware-vum-server.log, there is 2 minutes time gap for each VIB processing.
2023-12-19T19:36:01.277+01:00 info vmware-vum-server[2484632] [Originator@6876 sub=HostUpdateDepotManager] [vibDownloaderImpl 294] Now processing /storage/updatemgr/patch-store/hostupdate/vmw/vib20/nvme-pcie/VMW_bootbank_nvme-pcie_1.2.4.11-1vmw.802.0.0.22380479.vib
2023-12-19T19:38:12.345+01:00 info vmware-vum-server[2484632] [Originator@6876 sub=HostUpdateDepotManager] [vibDownloaderImpl 294] Now processing /storage/updatemgr/patch-store/hostupdate/vmw/vib20/nvme-pcie-esxio/VMW_bootbank_nvme-pcie-esxio_1.2.4.11-1vmw.802.0.0.22380479.vib
2023-12-19T19:40:23.421+01:00 info vmware-vum-server[2484632] [Originator@6876 sub=HostUpdateDepotManager] [vibDownloaderImpl 294] Now processing /storage/updatemgr/patch-
2023-12-19T19:42:34.489+01:00 info vmware-vum-server[2484632] [Originator@6876 sub=HostUpdateDepotManager] [vibDownloaderImpl 294] Now processing /storage/updatemgr/patch-store/hostupdate/vmw/vib20/vmksdhci/VMW_bootbank_vmksdhci_1.0.3-3vmw.802.0.0.22380479.vib
In the UMDS console output, there is 2 minutes time gap for each VIB processing.
2023-06-27T06:38:06.288+02:00 info vmware-downloadService[65853] [Originator@6876 sub=HostUpdateDepotManager] [vibDownloaderImpl 294] Now processing /repodata/vmware-umds/hostupdate/DEL/vib20/bcm-mpi3/BCM_bootbank_bcm-mpi3_8.
2023-06-27T06:40:10.576+02:00 info vmware-downloadService[65853] [Originator@6876 sub=HostUpdateDepotManager] [vibDownloaderImpl 294] Now processing /repodata/vmware-umds/hostupdate/DEL/vib20/bnxtnet/BCM_bootbank_bnxtnet_216.0.72.0-1OEM.700.1.0.15525992.vib
To resolve the issue, please upgrade VMware vCenter Server or Update Manager Download Service to 8.0U2 P03 or later.
In vCenter, to workaround the issue, please follow the steps mentioned below:
Append the users "https_proxy" URL set in /etc/sysconfig/proxy to vMon's environment export file /etc/profile.d/
# vi /etc/profile.d/
export https_proxy="http://username:password@PROXY_IP:PROXY_PORT/
Restart vMon to make the newly added environment variable take effect.
i. Stop vMon daemon.
# systemctl stop vmware-vmon
ii. Check if there are any dangling process left, kill the process.
# systemctl status -l vmware-vmon
# kill -9 {PID}
Note : PID is the process id of the dangling process.
iii. Start vMon daemon
# systemctl start vmware-vmon
iv. Check and ensure the updatemgr process has started.
# ps -ef |grep updatemgr
v. Wait until the UI is fully reloaded.
Conduct sync update in UI.
Once the sync update is completed and successful the following log shows the https_proxy environment variable was used in download.
2023-08-26T07:36:42.359Z verbose vmware-vum-server[3876782] [Originator@6876 sub=httpDownload] [httpDownloadPosix 181] * Uses proxy env variable https_proxy == <xxx>
In Update Manager Download Service, to workaround the issue, please follow the steps mentioned below:
Make sure the correct proxy is set in the downloadConfig.xml config file as it is needed by the VIB download.
In the bash shell, export a proxy environment variable that has a wrong proxy format, which will make the VIB URL connection checking fail quickly instead of hitting the 2 minutes timeout. Then issue the "vmware-umds -D" command to start the VIB download.
[root@sc2-10-185-179-216 ~]# export https_proxy="https://@@"
[root@sc2-10-185-179-216 ~]# export http_proxy="https://@@"