Hardware Compatibility report for a host never shows "vSAN Managed" tag for devices despite device's use by vSAN
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Hardware Compatibility report for a host never shows "vSAN Managed" tag for devices despite device's use by vSAN


Article ID: 313401


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


On running the hardware compatibility checks on host within a vSAN cluster, the devices, which would be part of the HCL result and in use by vSAN would no longer be annotated with the annotation in the UI which states "vSAN managed". In the previous releases, when a device is in use by vSAN, we used to have a annotation in the UI that annotated that the specific device is in use by vSAN. The same behavior would apply for the API result as well, where the "used_by_vsan" field would now be set to false, even though the device is in use by vSAN.



VMware vCenter Server 8.0
VMware vCenter Server 8.0.1


VMware is aware of this problem, and it would be fixed in the future release.