Unable to get location for some Lenovo SSD devices
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Unable to get location for some Lenovo SSD devices


Article ID: 313397


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VMware vSphere ESXi


Users may fail to get the device location using esxcli with the smartpqi driver:
esxcli storage core device physical get -d naa.5002538b10594980
Unable to get location for device naa.5002538b10594980: Device is not found.

Create the debug log for lsud smartpqi plugin:
[root@w11:/var/log] echo > smartpqi_plugin_debug

Check the log output in the smartpqi_plugin_debug, for the same device it may show two serial numbers with different lengths:
Get_Dev_SN:196 Open Dev /dev/disks/naa.5002538b004f5a60 for SN
Get_Dev_SN:252 Dev SN: Y04001X70N401959.          <<<<< SCSI cmd returned SN
SMARTPQIPlugin_OpenDevice:2840 openDevice: hba=vmhba2, channel=0x0, target=0x2, lun=0x0, sn=Y04001X70N401959
SMARTPQIPlugin_Execute:3145 SMARTPQIPlugin_Execute In with opCode:1.
SSAInfo_OpenCtrl:2740 0: 0x57d2a52010, vmhba3
SSAInfo_OpenCtrl:2740 1: 0x57d29d6010, vmhba4
SSAInfo_OpenCtrl:2740 2: 0x57d2a14010, vmhba2
SSAInfo_LookForDev:1633 SSAInfo_LookForDev sn:Y04001X70N401959 C0:T2:L0
SSAInfo_LookForDev:1650 SN:27A79B72 length:8 index:0
SSAInfo_LookForDev:1650 SN:Y04001X7 length:8 index:1                          <<<<< actual SN
SSAInfo_GetDeviceLocation:2024 Physical Location: port:box:bay CN0:1:1



VMware vSphere ESXi 8.0.2
VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0.3


This issue has been fixed in ESXi patch releases 7.0P8 and 8.0U1 release.

To resolve this issue, please upgrade the ESXi version that contains the fix along with the latest smartpqi driver.