PSC/VC upgrade fails when performing skip level upgrade to VCF 3.11.x
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PSC/VC upgrade fails when performing skip level upgrade to VCF 3.11.x


Article ID: 313368


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VMware Cloud Foundation


  • Skip level upgrade is performed to /
  • All SDDC Manager upgrades are completed by SLU tool
  • VC upgrade U3q (6.7.0-19300125) is applied from SDDC Manager UI and is shown as failed

Following errors are observed in LCM debug log on SDDC Manager and appliance management logs on VC/PSC

LCM log:
2020-12-05T11:35:17.649+0000 INFO  [741b1c914b98ec1b,cf09,upgradeId=9701e578-9bc4-4d29-8e28-9591f3a90b3d,resourceType=PSC,resourceId=53e593f5-24a5-47f2-af50-5e88c6c4497e,bundleElementId=ecce09d8-c034-48a8-9b02-4274ea7e1ce7] [c.v.e.s.l.c.utils.SshCommandRunner,ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-9] Command '[software-packages stage --iso --acceptEulas]' output:
Exit Code 114:  [2020-12-05T11:35:16.340] : ISO mounted successfully
[2020-12-05T11:35:17.340] : ISO unmounted successfully
[2020-12-05T11:35:17.340] : Target patch version is not supported.

Software packages log on PSC:
root@d1vcm1psc02 [ /var/log/vmware/applmgmt ]# zcat software-packages.log.1.gz | fgrep "Target patch version is not supported."
2020-12-05T11:09:07.340 [8592]INFO:root:Target patch version is not supported.
2020-12-05T11:21:09.340 [5129]INFO:root:Target patch version is not supported.
2020-12-05T11:35:17.340 [9167]INFO:root:Target patch version is not supported.


VMware cloud foundation


A known issue in the vCenter upgrades that requires U3о to be installed before proceeding further with the upgrades.
Reference: VMware vCenter Server Appliance Photon OS Security Patches


Currently there is no resolution for the issue, it will be resolved in the future releases.

To workaround the issue, please follow the below mentioned steps:
  1. Apply 6.7 U3o (6.7.0-18485166) out of band to all PSCs/VCs.
  2. Retry failed VC upgrade to 6.7 U3q (6.7.0-19300125) from SDDC Manager.
  3. Continue with remaining upgrades via SDDC Manager.
Note: U3o can also be applied out of band to all VCs/PSCs before starting VC upgrade to U3q from SDDC Manager.