VC UI plugin is getting automatically undeployed and deployed
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VC UI plugin is getting automatically undeployed and deployed


Article ID: 313297


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VMware vCenter Server


VC UI plugin (e.g. "com.vmware.tkgs.plugin") is getting automatically undeployed and deployed when the VC is upgraded to >= 7.0.3-u3e or >= M18 from an old version, but a cluster remains on an old version.


VMware vCenter Server 7.0.3


The issue happens when the VC is upgraded to a version having the wcp_vcuiplugin_per_cluster_feature FSS removed, while there are one or more clusters still running an older version. This is a functional bug where we didn't consider the combination of an upgraded VC + not upgraded cluster(s).



The issue has been resolved in 7.0.3-u3e

Note: The issue applies to a VC deployed with a version < 7.0.3-u3e and then upgraded to >= 7.0.3-u3e. If the VC was originally deployed with a version >= 7.0.3-u3e, the issue is not applicable


To solve the issue, upgrade ALL clusters on the VC to the latest supported version. If the user prefers not to do an upgrade, the following workaround needs to be applied to ALL clusters that have not been upgraded:

  • Login into a control plane Virtual Machine using the cluster-admin, for the unupgraded clusters.

kubectl edit cm wcp-cluster-config  -n kube-system

  • Add the following line under data/wcp-cluster-config.yaml

wcp_vcuiplugin_per_cluster_feature: 'true'