vLCM Cluster remediation takes more time for hosts already in Maintenance Mode
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vLCM Cluster remediation takes more time for hosts already in Maintenance Mode


Article ID: 313295


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VMware vCenter Server



While performing remediation (not parallel remediation) of a vLCM cluster by putting the hosts in Maintenance Mode, the operation for "getting host recommendation from DRS to enter Maintenance Mode for cluster" takes 4 minutes. This is causing the delay in completion of remediation and hence impacting downtime planning.



VMware vCenter Server 7.0.3


In current design, before picking up the hosts that are already in maintenance mode, it goes to DRS for recommendation. If all hosts in the cluster are in Maintenance Mode when the ClusterMaintenanceMode API is called, it will cause InvalidState for each host (No valid hosts found), then the hosts are not part of the recommendation. The operation of getting DRS recommendation keeps failing, and it is tried several times. This causes the delay of overall remediation.


Currently there is no resolution. This will be fixed in the future release.