Host seeding fails after upgrading from an OEM ESXi image to a higher version of OEM ESXi image
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Host seeding fails after upgrading from an OEM ESXi image to a higher version of OEM ESXi image


Article ID: 313266


Updated On: 11-07-2023


VMware vSphere ESXi



When a host running an OEM image of version, say 7.0.2, is upgraded to a higher version of OEM image, say 7.0.3, the host cannot be used as a seed to create a new vLCM cluster. The offline depot creation on the host fails with a traceback similar to the one shown below. Host seeding was a feature introduced in 7.0U2. This KB applies to any two ESXi versions X and Y where X >= 7.0U2 and Y > X

2021-11-24T09:42:49Z lifecycle: 2101166: HostSeeding:956 ERROR Extract depot failed: ('VMW_bootbank_bnxtroce_216.0.58.0-23vmw.703.0.0.18644231', 'Failed to add reserved VIB VMW_bootbank_bnxtroce_216.0.58.0-23vmw.703.0.0.18644231:
not found in the reserved VIB cache storage')
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:373 ERROR Extract depot failed.
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:152 ERROR [ReservedVibExtractError] ('VMW_bootbank_bnxtroce_216.0.58.0-23vmw.703.0.0.18644231', 'Failed to add reserved VIB VMW_bootbank_bnxtroce_216.0.58.0-23vmw.703.0.0.18644231:
not found in the reserved VIB cache storage')
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157 ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157
ERROR   File "/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/vmware/esximage/", line 821, in GenerateVib
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166:imagemanagerctl:157
ERROR     resVibPath = resVibCache.getVibLocation(
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157
ERROR   File "/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/vmware/esximage/ImageManager/", line 1059, in getVibLocation
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157
ERROR     raise VibNotInCacheError('VIB %s is not available in cached locations'
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157
ERROR vmware.esximage.ImageManager.HostSeeding.VibNotInCacheError: VIB VMW_bootbank_bnxtroce_216.0.58.0-23vmw.703.0.0.18644231 is not available in cached locations
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157 ERROR
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157 ERROR During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157 ERROR
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157 ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157 ERROR  
File "/usr/lib/vmware/lifecycle/bin/", line 371, in depots
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157 ERROR     HostSeeding.InstalledImageInfo().extractDepot(task)
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157
ERROR   File "/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/vmware/esximage/ImageManager/", line 942, in extractDepot
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157 ERROR     Depot.DepotFromImageProfile(newProfile, depotDir,
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157
ERROR   File "/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/vmware/esximage/", line 1026, in DepotFromImageProfile
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157 ERROR     vibdownloadfn(localfn, allRelatedVibs[vibid],
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157
ERROR   File "/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/vmware/esximage/", line 824, in GenerateVib
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157
ERROR     raise Errors.ReservedVibExtractError(,
2021-11-24T09:42:50Z lifecycle: 2101166: imagemanagerctl:157
ERROR vmware.esximage.Errors.ReservedVibExtractError: ('VMW_bootbank_bnxtroce_216.0.58.0-23vmw.703.0.0.18644231', 'Failed to add reserved VIB VMW_bootbank_bnxtroce_216.0.58.0-23vmw.703.0.0.18644231: not found in the reserved VIB cache storage')



VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0.2


During installation of ESXi, the reserved vibs are preserved on the host. However, while upgrading, if there is any reserved vib in the running image that matches a reserved vib in the upgrade target image, such reserved vibs previously preserved are removed due to a bug in the business logic.

Terminology: Reserved vibs are the vibs that is present in the base (stock) image provided by VMware but are overridden by higher version async vibs packaged by OEM.


The issue has been resolved in 8.0GA.


Interactive or scripted upgrade can be used as a workaround. Below are the links.
Interactive upgrade 
Scripted upgrade 

Users running 7.x vSphere releases can use interactive or scripted upgrade as a workaround.