The DSM appliance registers with the vCenter Extension Manager during its first boot. When this registration fails, the 'Install Solution' task created by vCenter times out and fails while waiting for the registration call from the DSM appliance.
Check Network Connectivity
To resolve the issue, manual plugin registration from the appliance can be attempted.
After correcting the required network connectivity, follow the below mentioned steps for manual plugin registration:
SSH into the DSM appliance
Execute the manual registration command,
# Target vc details for plugin registration
# Plugin Registration commmand
dsm_ip=$(ip route get 1 | awk '{print $(NF-2);exit}') && \
vc_tp=`openssl s_client -connect $vc_host:443 < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin -sha256 | sed "s/sha256 Fingerprint=//g"` && \
dsm_tp=`openssl s_client -connect $dsm_ip:443 < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in /dev/stdin -sha1 | sed "s/sha1 Fingerprint=//g"` && \
dsm_version=`cat /etc/vmware/cap/ | jq --raw-output ' .version '` && \
docker_img=$(docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | grep "extension-registration") && \
docker run $docker_img \
-action registerPlugin -remote \
-url https://$vc_host/sdk -vct $vc_tp \
-username $vc_admin_username -password $vc_admin_password \
-key com.vmware.dsm.plugin -version $dsm_version \
-pluginUrl https://$dsm_ip/provider/plugin/plugin.json -serverThumbprint $dsm_tp \
-c 'VMware, Inc.' -n 'Data Services Manager Plugin' -s 'Data Services Manager Plugin'
If the problem persists, please collect the support bundle by executing below command. This would help in troubleshooting your issue.
`sh /opt/vmware/tdm-provider/ <logbundle_filename_without_ext> <logbundle_folder>`
`sh /opt/vmware/tdm-provider/ logbundle_postboot /data`