This certificate rotation procedure is only supported when the cluster is still in a healthy state and the certificate hasn’t expired. Since if the cluster is not in a good state, and the certificate expired, the node might have issues coming up since containerd can’t pull the image.
We don’t have docs to rotate expired certificates for now.
Currently TKG support those parameters to configure external certificates in classy clusters:
This document contains steps on how to rotate TKG_PROXY_CA_CERT.
Since these are external certificates, the most straightforward solution is the traditional 3-steps certificate rotation method. In general:
Phase 1
$ cat <certifcate-file-name> | base64 -w0 ## use below string to represent the encoded value in following examples AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAA
kubectl edit <cluster-name> -n <namespace>
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get secret -n tkg-system tkr-source-controller-values -ojsonpath='{.data.values\.yaml}' | base64 -d > tkr-source-controller-values-content
cat tkr-source-controller-values-content | base64 -w0
kubectl edit secret tkr-source-controller-values -n tkg-system ## edit .data.values.yaml
kubectl delete pod -n tkg-system --selector=app=tkr-source-controller
kubectl get secret -n tkg-system tkg-pkg-tkg-system-values -ojsonpath='{.data.tkgpackagevalues\.yaml}' | base64 -d > tkg-pkg-values
tkrSourceControllerPackage: tkrSourceControllerPackageValues: caCerts: AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAA configvalues: TKG_PROXY_CA_CERT: AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAA
cat tkg-pkg-values | base64 -w0
kubectl edit secret -n tkg-system tkg-pkg-tkg-system-values ## edit .data.tkgpackagevalues.yaml
kubectl get secret -n tkg-system <management-cluster-name>-pinniped-package -ojsonpath='{.data.values\.yaml}' | base64 -d > pinniped-package-values
pinniped: upstream_oidc_tls_ca_data: AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAA
kubectl edit secret -n tkg-system <management-cluster-name>-pinniped-package ## edit .data.values.yaml
Phase 2
Update the certificate on the registry server that the customer manage
Phase 3
Redo the phase1, except, this time only encodes the new certificate, no need to use the old certificate