Network Profile on TKGi 1.x Cannot Be Deleted
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Network Profile on TKGi 1.x Cannot Be Deleted


Article ID: 313134


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When network profile is created and attached to an existing tkgi cluster, It cannot be deleted with error "The network profile <network profile> is still used by clusters"


VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition 1.x


Network Profiles can be updated by a new network profile to a running TKGi cluster.
Network profiles cannot be deleted when they are attached to existing cluster unless new profile is added to the cluster and old profile is not in use any more


Steps to Resolve:

  • Check the clusters running with this network profile created by running command as an example below

ubuntu@hostname:~$ pks cluster cluster1 --details
PKS Version:              1.9.5-build.7
Name:                     boc1
K8s Version:              1.18.16
Plan Name:                small
UUID:                     cd1c66ed-1b98-49bb-89da-601ab57e87e5
Last Action:              UPGRADE
Last Action State:        succeeded
Last Action Description:  Instance upgrade completed
Kubernetes Master Host:
Kubernetes Master Port:   8443
Worker Nodes:             1
Kubernetes Master IP(s):
Network Profile Name:    
Kubernetes Profile Name:

Note: Update only network profile properties that support being updated.

Additional Information