Issue Description
The logs are showing errors.
$ kubectl get pods -n pks-system
vrops-cadvisor-8w552 1/1 Running 0 41d
vrops-cadvisor-bqbgz 1/1 Running 0 49d
vrops-cadvisor-wth28 1/1 Running 0 41d
$ kubectl logs vrops-cadvisor-wth28 -n pks-system | head
W0330 10:29:27.941769 1 manager.go:288] Could not configure a source for OOM detection, disabling OOM events: open /dev/kmsg: no such file or directory
W0330 11:15:01.327593 1 container.go:586] Failed to update stats for container "/kubepods/burstable/podd75df460-2481-4603-b426-188388671582": /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/kubepods/burstable/podd75df460-2481-4603-b426-188388671582/cpuset.cpus found to be empty, continuing to push stats
E0330 11:17:22.167483 1 fsHandler.go:114] failed to collect filesystem stats - rootDiskErr: unable to count inodes for part of dir /rootfs/var/vcap/store/docker/docker/overlay2/8bb564180dbc1ccef2daba9896e27119b23d2fff713175c751323f07b5524e3a/diff: open /rootfs/var/vcap/store/docker/docker/overlay2/8bb564180dbc1ccef2daba9896e27119b23d2fff713175c751323f07b5524e3a/diff/var/cache/nginx/client_temp: permission denied, extraDiskErr: <nil>
E0330 11:19:22.167953 1 fsHandler.go:114] failed to collect filesystem stats - rootDiskErr: unable to count inodes for part of dir /rootfs/var/vcap/store/docker/docker/overlay2/8bb564180dbc1ccef2daba9896e27119b23d2fff713175c751323f07b5524e3a/diff: open /rootfs/var/vcap/store/docker/docker/overlay2/8bb564180dbc1ccef2daba9896e27119b23d2fff713175c751323f07b5524e3a/diff/var/cache/nginx/client_temp: permission denied, extraDiskErr: <nil>
You can monitor Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition Kubernetes clusters with VMware vRealize Operations Management Pack for Container Monitoring.
To integrate Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition with VMware vRealize Operations Management Pack for Container Monitoring, you must deploy a container running cAdvisor in your TKGI deployment.
cAdvisor is an open source tool that provides monitoring and statistics for Kubernetes clusters.
To deploy a cAdvisor container:
For more information about integrating this type of monitoring with TKGI, see the VMware vRealize Operations Management Pack for Container Monitoring User Guide