Bosh task fails with "Error: Failed to upload blob, code 1, output: 'Error running app - Putting dav blob xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx : Wrong response code: 500; body: <html> <head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head>"
search cancel

Bosh task fails with "Error: Failed to upload blob, code 1, output: 'Error running app - Putting dav blob xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx : Wrong response code: 500; body: <html> <head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head>"


Article ID: 313106


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Application Service



  • When updating a Kubernetes cluster’s configuration more likely increasing worker nodes count , bosh task fails with the following error.
$ tkgi update-cluster <cluster-name>  --num-nodes 4 

Update summary for cluster <cluster-name>:
Worker Number: 4
Cluster Tags: [{cluster_name <cluster-name>}]
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n): y
Use '<cluster-name>' to monitor the state of your cluster


$ bosh task

Using environment '##.##.##.##' as client 'ops_manager'
Task 1417873
Task 1417873 | 00:36:22 | Deprecation: Global 'properties' are deprecated. Please define 'properties' at the job level.
Task 1417873 | 00:36:24 | Preparing deployment: Preparing deployment
Task 1417873 | 00:36:25 | Warning: DNS address not available for the link provider instance: pivotal-container-service/fb7126ce-fd3e-4f9a-a79c-24bbf1342a8d
Task 1417873 | 00:36:25 | Warning: DNS address not available for the link provider instance: pivotal-container-service/fb7126ce-fd3e-4f9a-a79c-24bbf1342a8d
Task 1417873 | 00:36:25 | Warning: DNS address not available for the link provider instance: pivotal-container-service/fb7126ce-fd3e-4f9a-a79c-24bbf1342a8d
Task 1417873 | 00:36:43 | Preparing deployment: Preparing deployment (00:00:19)
Task 1417873 | 00:36:43 | Preparing deployment: Rendering templates (00:00:11)
Task 1417873 | 00:36:54 | Preparing package compilation: Finding packages to compile (00:00:00)
Task 1417873 | 00:36:55 | Creating missing vms: worker/###### (1)
Task 1417873 | 00:36:55 | Creating missing vms: worker/###### (3)
Task 1417873 | 00:36:55 | Creating missing vms: worker/###### (2)
Task 1417873 | 00:39:16 | Creating missing vms: worker/###### (1) (00:02:21)
Task 1417873 | 00:39:29 | Creating missing vms: worker/###### (3) (00:02:34)
Task 1417873 | 00:39:30 | Creating missing vms: worker/###### (2) (00:02:35)
Task 1417873 | 00:39:30 | Error: Failed to upload blob, code 1, output: 'Error running app - Putting dav blob b27061fc-5cad-4639-b469-ecd180b90036: Wrong response code: 500; body: <html>
<head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head>
<center><h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1></center>
', error: ''
Task 1417873 Started Tue Jun 20 00:36:22 UTC 2023
Task 1417873 Finished Tue Jun 20 00:39:30 UTC 2023
Task 1417873 Duration 00:03:08
Task 1417873 error
Capturing task '1417873' output:
Expected task '1417873' to succeed but state is 'error'
Exit code 1


  • This error may occurs when multiple tasks are timing out or failing and too many BOSH tasks are queued for the Director. 
$ bosh tasks
Using environment 'x.x.x.x' as client 'ops_manager'

ID      State   Started At  Finished At  User                                            Deployment                                             Description                                                                                                                           Result  
262506  queued  -           -            pivotal-container-service-axxx
service-instance_xxxx  retrieve vm-stats                                                                                                                     -  
262505  queued  -           -            pivotal-container-service-axxx
service-instance_xxxx retrieve vm-stats                                                                                                                     -  
262503  queued  -           -            ops_manager                                     service-instance_xxxx ssh: setup:{"ids"=>["######"], "indexes"=>["######"], "job"=>"worker"}    -  
262502  queued  -           -            ops_manager                                     service-instance_xxxx  ssh: setup:{"ids"=>["######"], "indexes"=>["######"], "job"=>"worker"}    -  
262501  queued  -           -            ops_manager                                     service-instance_xxxx ssh: setup:{"ids"=>["######"], "indexes"=>["######"], "job"=>"worker"}    -  
262500  queued  -           -            ops_manager                                     service-instance_xxxx  ssh: setup:{"ids"=>["######"], "indexes"=>["######"], "job"=>"worker"}    -  

472 tasks



  • You can see scheduled_events_cleanup count ,  snapshot_deployment count , ssh count , vms count is more than 2000 . 
type: cck_scan_and_fix count: 140", "
type: delete_artifacts count: 16", 
"type: delete_deployment count: 8", "type: fetch_logs count: 12", 
"type: run_errand count: 700",
 "type: scheduled_dns_blobs_cleanup count: 612", 
"type: scheduled_events_cleanup count: 2151", 
"type: scheduled_orphaned_disk_cleanup count: 277", 
"type: scheduled_task_cleanup count: 113", 
"type: snapshot_deployment count: 2021",
 "type: snapshot_deployments count: 707", 
"type: snapshot_self count: 707", 
"type: ssh count: 2772", 
"type: update_deployment count: 289", 
"type: update_release count: 634", 
"type: update_stemcell count: 1",
"type: vms count: 3711"]



WARNING: Make sure you are absolutely certain that the queued tasks are not affecting any ongoing deployments. If you have a currently running deployment DO NOT CONTINUE. Contact Tanzu Support for assistance. The steps outlines in this article cancel all queued tasks and if you have a running deployment, it may leave it in an inconsistent and potentially broken state. Again, do not continue if you have a deployment that is in progress.

If  using a version of Ops Manager 2.7+,  use the following command to cancel all queued BOSH tasks : 

bosh cancel-tasks -s=queued 
Once BOSH tasks are cancelled, retry cluster scaling operation with following command : 
tkgi update-cluster <cluster-name> --num-nodes 4
NOTE : If the previous command (bosh cancel-tasks -s=queued ) is not available, then follow the steps mentioned in below  KB article to cancel queued tasks.

Additional Information

How to clean up stale BOSH tasks history from BOSH Director console

How to cancel all queued BOSH tasks using director_ctl in Operations Manager