containerd failing with error messages "Failed to run CRI service" and "failed to recover state"
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containerd failing with error messages "Failed to run CRI service" and "failed to recover state"


Article ID: 313100


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VMware vSphere ESXi VMware vSphere with Tanzu



Pods not running on the node and "crictl ps" reports error:

# crictl ps
connect: connect endpoint 'unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock', make sure you are running as root and the endpoint has been started: context deadline exceeded


Containerd logs show that CRI service is not running

level=fatal msg="Failed to run CRI service" error="failed to recover state: failed to reserve sandbox name



VMware vSphere 7.0 with Tanzu


There is corrupt data in the containerd directory and this is preventing the CRS service from starting.


See workaround

The following steps can be executed to resolve the issue.
The easiest option is to recreate the node as below but it is not recommended if you are experiencing the problem on all Control Plane nodes as it can result in data loss.
kubectl config use-context <Supervisor Cluster>
kubectl get machine -n <namespace>
kubectl delete machine -n <namespace>

If you are experiencing the problem on all Control Plane node, then execute the steps below to restore containerd.

Pause cluster reconciliation
kubectl config use-context <Supervisor Cluster>
kubectl patch cluster <Workload Cluster> -n <namespace> --type merge -p '{"spec":{"paused": true}}'

Cleanup containerd directory
Stop containerd and kubelet
systemctl stop containerd
systemctl status containerd
systemctl stop kubelet 
systemctl status kubelet

Move the contents of  /var/lib/containerd
mv /var/lib/containerd /var/lib/containerd_old
mkdir /var/lib/containerd
chmod 711 /var/lib/containerd 

Reboot the VM to remove any stale containerd processes

Stop kubelet
systemctl stop kubelet 
systemctl status kubelet

Restore pause and docker-registry images.
The Images will need to be exported from another cluster node
ctr -n images list | grep -e pause -e docker-registry
ctr -n images export pause.tar <Pause Image Ref>
ctr -n images export docker-registry.tar <Docker Registry Image Ref>

Copy these tar balls to the impacted cluster node and import them locally
ctr -n images import pause.tar
ctr -n images import docker-registry.tar
ctr -n images list

Restart kubelet
systemctl start kubelet 
systemctl status kubelet

Confirm docker registry and kubernetes pods have restarted
crictl ps
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
kubectl get pods -A

Repeat the above steps on remaining cluster nodes.

Resume cluster reconciliation once all nodes have been restored
kubectl config use-context <Supervisor Cluster>
kubectl patch cluster <Workload Cluster> -n <namespace> --type merge -p '{"spec":{"paused": false}}'