The following procedure can be used to restore the <Cluster Name>-config-values secret.
- SSH to the jumpbox/TCA CP node that was used to create the Management cluster and locate cluster file used to create the cluster. It it normally in ~/.config/tanzu/tkg/clusterconfigs
- Take a copy of the file (eg cluster-config.yaml) and remove references to providers, release, images and cert-manager leaving just Configuration variables as described here
- Create the secret yaml file
kubectl create secret generic <Cluster-name>-config-values --from-file=value=cluster-config.yaml -n tkg-system --dry-run -o yaml > <Cluster-Name>-config-values.yaml
- Update <Cluster-name>-config-values.yaml, add the following metadata and type
labels: "" <Cluster Name>
name: <Cluster Name>-config-values
namespace: tkg-system
- Create the secret in the Management cluster
kubectl config use-context <Mgmt Cluster Context>
kubectl apply -f <Cluster Name>-config-values.yaml
- Initiate Management cluster upgrade again