Attempting to mount the NFS volume fails with the error: Unable to resolve hostname
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Attempting to mount the NFS volume fails with the error: Unable to resolve hostname


Article ID: 313051


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VMware vSphere ESXi


  • You cannot add the NFS datastore.
  • Attempting to mount the NFS datastore fails.
  • vSphere Client reports the error:

    Error:Call "HostDatastoreSystem.CreateNasDatastore" for object "ha-datastoresystem" on ESXi "172.xx.xx.xx" failed.
    Operation failed, diagnostics report: Unable to resolve hostname ''
  • Attempting to add the NFS datastore from the command line fails with the error:
Error performing operation: Unable to resolve hostname ''
  • Running the esxcfg-nas -l command lists the NAS volumes with the error:

    ABCDEFG is /vol/ABCDEFG from 10.xx.xx.253 mounted unavailable
    ISO is /vol/ISO from 10.xx.xx.253 mounted unavailable
    Error performing operation: Unable to resolve hostname ''

    Where is an old NFS volume that was removed.
  • You are able to remove the NAS volume successfully without any errors, but you are not able to add the volumes again.


VMware vSphere ESXi 6.5
VMware vSphere ESXi 5.1
VMware vSphere ESXi 6.7


This issue occurs if an NFS volume was not removed properly from the host and the entry continues to exist in the esx.conf file.


To resolve this issue:
  1. Add a dummy entry in the /etc/hosts file for You can use any IP for this.
  2. Run this command to see the old NFS volume that was removed by the customer:

    esxcfg-nas -l

    Note: You will not see the error now.
  3. Run this command to remove the old NFS volume:

    esxcfg-nas -d old_volume_name
  4. Delete/comment the dummy entry that was added to the /etc/hosts file in Step 1.
  5. Reboot the host.

    You should now be able to add the NFS volume.

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