To resolve this issue, re-add the virtual NIC to create a clean database record for the VM.
Caution: This procedure is valid ONLY for vSphere-only environments. Re-adding VM virtual NICs can cause unanticipated difficulties when using add-on products such as:
- vRealize Automation
- Horizon View
- vCloud Director
- VMware Integrated Openstack
If you have any uncertainty about whether other products have been added onto vCenter Server, do not follow this procedure.
- Find the VM object in the vCenter Hosts and Clusters view.
- Right-click the VM and select Edit Settings...
- Make note all of the virtual NIC settings.
- Delete the virtual NIC.
Note: If the VM has more than one virtual NIC, only remove one virtual NIC at a time. If you are using vCloud Director, please see
Remove a Network Interface.
- Save the change.
- Right-click the VM again and select Edit Settings...
- Re-add the virtual NIC using the same settings.
If the VM has more than one virtual NIC, and still won't power on, use steps 1-7 for the next virtual NIC.