Critical error in NSX-T
The DFW vMotion for DFW filter nic-yyyyy-eth0-vmware-sfw.2 on destination host xy-xy-vv-dd-hh-00.yyy has failed and the port for the entity has been disconnected.
VMware NSX-T Data Center
VMKernel.log will show:
2023-06-29T04:47:28.419Z cpu)Importing nic-yyyyyy-eth0-vmware-sfw.2, Version 5
2023-06-29T04:47:28.419Z cpu)unsupported version: 5
2023-06-29T04:47:28.419Z cpu)Sending message to cfgAgent to raising alarm for filter import failure
Recommended Action (as given in alarm)
Check VMs on the host in NSX Manager, manually repush the DFW configuration through NSX Manager UI. The DFW policy to be repushed can be traced by the DFW filter nic-yyyyyy-eth0-vmware-sfw.2. Also consider finding the VM to which the DFW filter is attached and restart it.
Avoid alarms by following instructions here: Configure Export Version of Distributed Firewall Filter on Hosts
Reference link