How to locate an eBook redemption code for On-Demand training courses
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How to locate an eBook redemption code for On-Demand training courses


Article ID: 312839


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This article provides information on how candidates can locate the eBook redemption code for On-Demand training courses.


User can follow the below steps to redeem the code:

1. Login to VMware Learning portal with your registered e-mail address.

2. Select ‘Digital Training via Connect learning’ and then click on ‘Log in to Connect Learning’


3. You will be redirected to “VMware Customer connect Learning page”

4. Click on the down arrow next to your name on the top right hand corner, and then click on ‘Dashboard’


5. Click on the ‘View Transcript Summary’


6. Locate your On Demand Content part of your On Demand training course.


7. Click on “Launch” option.


8. Scroll down, below the video, "Lesson your eBook Redemption code" will be present. 


9. To access the eBook, learners will need to log into an existing account or create a new account and redeem the code provided on the Course Player page.


10. In your Dashboard scroll down, and under Subscriptions, select your On Demand training course.

11. Then select the On Demand Content of your On Demand training course.


12. Your eBook redemption code will be present as highlighted below:


13. To access the eBook, learners will need to log into an existing account or create a new account and redeem the code provided on the Course Player page.

Unable to locate eBook {error- "[25] Invalid Ship State: Ship State length should be 2."}

1. The above error is due to incomplete address, hence user’s address needs to be updated per the below standard.

2. Please update below mentioned mandatory address fields:
  • Address
  • City
  • State (this must be two letters only) 
  • Country 
  • Zip Code

3. After successful completion of the address update, we request the user to Launch the Content part of the course again in order to find the redemption code for eBook in same page of content course.

  • If the subscription is purchased by your Account Coordinator, the above address fields must be updated by the Account Coordinator in his/her MyLearn Profile.
  • State code (Two Letters only) is a mandatory field for the countries of U.S.A and Canada only.