Resetting admin & root account passwords on vSphere Replication & Site Recovery Manager
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Resetting admin & root account passwords on vSphere Replication & Site Recovery Manager


Article ID: 312789


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VMware Live Recovery VMware vSphere ESXi


GNU GRUB menu contains slight changes due to a change of operating system from SUSE linux to Photon OS.


VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.x
VMware vSphere Replication 8.x


  • Root password for vSphere Replication (VR) appliance is not known by the administrator.
  • vSphere Replication root password is lost or is locked.


  • Shutdown vSphere replication appliance from vSphere web client
  • Delay the boot sequence of the VM 
  • Power on vSphere replication appliance. When the Photon OS splash screen appears, press 'e' to enter GNU GRUB edit menu

Note:  The Photon OS splash screen only appears very briefly, so be quick about it. It is better to use VMware Remote Console rather than the Web Console

  • In the GNU GRUB edit menu, go to the end of the line that starts with linux, add a space and type rw init=/bin/bashAfter adding these values, GNU GRUB edit menu should look exactly like this:

For 8.4 the screen will look different  

  • Press the F10 key to boot and at the bash command prompt mount the root partition 
           mount -o remount, rw /
  • Enter passwd then enter to change the password
New password: <enter new password>
Retype new password: <repeat password>
passwd: password updated successfully ​​​
NB : The above will change only root password, if you need to change admin password need to perform additional steps as below
passwd admin
New password: <enter new password>
Retype new password: <repeat password>
passwd: password updated successfully 

  • If the account is locked you will need to clear the lock with the following command

/sbin/pam_tally2 -r -u root

     /sbin/pam_tally2 -r -u admin

For VR & SRM 8.8 and upwards use the commands -

/sbin/faillock --user admin --reset 
/sbin/faillock --user root --reset 


  • At the command prompt, unmount the file system using the below command
      umount / 
  • Reboot the appliance 
         reboot -f 
  • After the vSphere replication appliance reboots, log in with the new root password

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