- VM is constantly going to RPO violation state.
- Clicking on resume starts the replication and moves to error state the next day.
- In the vmkernel.log file, you see errors reported on the source host where VM is running:
2018-02-26T01:00:54.535Z info hostd[76FC1B70] [Originator@6876 sub=DiskLib opID=5cadf383] DISKLIB-CTK : Could not open change tracking file "/vmfs/volumes/553fb406-36020308-2a22-xxxxxxxxx/SQL10/SQL10-ctk.vmdk": Change tracking invalid or disk in use.2018-02-26T01:00:54.569Z info hostd[761F2B70] [Originator@6876 sub=Hbrsvc] ReplicationScheduler: stats updated for (groupID=GID-fae268e8-806e-4194-8c6e-xxxxxxx): last duration was 652s, bandwidth was 10.89 MB/s; estimated duration is now 782s, estimated bandwidth is 10.89 MB/s.
2018-02-26T01:00:54.633Z warning hostd[76FC1B70] [Originator@6876 sub=Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/36020308-2a22-xxxxxxxx/SQL10/SQL10.SQL10.vmx opID=5cadf383] Could not determine change ID of virtual disk /vmfs/volumes/36020308-2a22-xxxxxxxx/SQL10/SQL10..vmdk because change tracking information is not available: Change tracking invalid or disk in use
- In the Hostd.log file, you see errors similar to:
Could not open change tracking file "/vmfs/volumes/553fb406-36020308-2a22-1458d052cc20/SQL/SQL10.1-ctk.vmdk": Change tracking invalid or disk in use.
2018-02-26T01:00:54.419Z warning hostd[77240B70] [Originator@6876 sub=Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/553fb406-36020308-2a22-xxxxxxxx/SQL10/SQL10.vmx]
Could not determine change ID of virtual disk /vmfs/volumes/36020308-2a22-xxxxxxxx/SQL10/SQL10..vmdk because change tracking information is not available:
Change tracking invalid or disk in use
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.