When we launch SRM UI from vCenter, we see the error
A server error occurred
Check the server logs for more details.
A server error occurred
HTTP error code: 400, status: BadResponse, sub status: No authentication request found matching InResponse To attribute of SAML Response from IDP..
/var/log/vmware/dr-client/dr.log :
2023-11-06 12:15:16,834 [srm-reactive-thread-125] WARN com.vmware.srm.client.infrastructure.http.BaseAsyncController 6b122e2d-121e-4148-8c85-e99004c0e13a - Request for path 'webssologin' failed.
com.vmware.srm.client.topology.impl.vmomi.TokenProvider$AcquireTokenFailed: Unable to acquire token from SSO Server at 'https://vcenter.vmware.local/sso-adminserver/sdk/vsphere.local'.
Caused by: com.vmware.vim.sso.client.exception.InternalError: Failed trying to retrieve token: ns0:RequestFailed: EndTime: Mon Nov 06 18:10:50 GMT 2023 is not after startTime: Mon Nov 06 18:15:16 GMT 2023
vmware-identity-sts.log :
2023-11-06T18:07:05.695Z INFO sts[62:tomcat-http--26] [CorId=66c479a3-7d97-4f17-8126-ef9fdb4b46fd] [com.vmware.identity.sts.ws.SOAPFaultHandler] Returning a SOAP Fault with code: ns0:RequestFailed and description: EndTime: Mon Nov 06 18:10:50 GMT 2023 is not after startTime: Mon Nov 06 18:15:16 GMT 2023
2024-11-09T13:39:51.365Z info vmware-dr[02139] [SRM@6876 sub=Listener.HTTPService.HttpConnection opID=29cbdf4f-login] HTTP Connection read failed while waiting for further requests; <io_obj p:0x00007f92b002ad48, h:-1, <UNIX '/run/vmware/srm/srm-socket'>, <UNIX ''>>, N7Vmacore16TimeoutExceptionE(Operation timed out: Stream: <io_obj p:0x00007f92b002ad48, h:-1, <UNIX '/run/vmware/srm/srm-socket'>, <UNIX ''>>, duration: 00:00:45.448962 (hh:mm:ss.us))
VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.x
Time is not in sync between the appliances (VR, SRM & vCenter/PSC)
1. Ensure the time is synced between vSphere Replication, SRM & vCenter
2. If step 1 is correct but its still not working - Try moving all 3 nodes (VR,SRM & VC) to one host.
3. Restart VR & SRM UI and check
systemctl restart tomcat (UI in VRMS)
systemctl restart dr-client(UI in SRM)
You cannot manage SRM if the UI is not working.