Unable to reconfigure SRM 8.7.0.X and above - File not found: /opt/vmware/hms/conf/hms-configuration.xml
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Unable to reconfigure SRM 8.7.0.X and above - File not found: /opt/vmware/hms/conf/hms-configuration.xml


Article ID: 312739


Updated On:


VMware Live Recovery



SRM appliance is failing to reconfigure after upgrading to or above version with the below errors. 

Summary page in VAMI displays the error -

A general system error occurred: N7Vmacore9ExceptionE File not found: /opt/vmware/hms/conf/hms-configuration.xml [context]zKq7AVECAAQAAIJ9YQEMZHJjb25maWcAAO2hHGxpYnZtYWNvcmUuc28AAWgEBGxpYmRyLXZtYWNvcmUuc28AAdb7CwJk6BBkci1jb25maWd1cmF0b3IAAhf0EAOouQ1saWJkcmNvbmZpZy10eXBlcy5zbwAEqykGbGliZHItdm1vbWkuc28AAE0BMQCtGDEADiVBBYd/AGxpYnB0aHJlYWQuc28uMAAGvzYPbGliYy5zby42AA==[/context] 
[backtrace begin] product: VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager, version: 8.7.0, build: build-23166338, tag: drconfig, cpu: x86_64, os: linux, buildType: release 
backtrace[03] libvmacore.so[0x001CA1ED] 
backtrace[04] libdr-vmacore.so[0x00040468] 
backtrace[05] libdr-vmacore.so[0x000BFBD6] 
backtrace[06] dr-configurator[0x0010E864] 
backtrace[07] dr-configurator[0x0010F417] 
backtrace[08] libdrconfig-types.so[0x000DB9A8] 
backtrace[09] libdr-vmomi.so[0x000629AB] 
backtrace[10] libvmacore.so[0x0031014D] 
backtrace[11] libvmacore.so[0x003118AD] 
backtrace[12] libvmacore.so[0x0041250E] 
backtrace[13] libpthread.so.0[0x00007F87] 
backtrace[14] libc.so.6[0x000F36BF] 
[backtrace end]
Operation ID: 89fac6ca-b04d-4da9-a21c-89783a0926bd
3/17/24, 9:36:56 PM +0530

Services page in VAMI displays the error -

A general system error occurred: Failed to get status for hbrsrv
No files found for hbrsrv.service.
: The connection was closed by the remote end during handshake.
Operation ID: 18a09984-c473-40d2-8f80-e72442b5051a



VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.x


SRM ovfEnv.xml file is missing the line:

<Property oe:key="deployment_scenario" oe:value="SRM"/>

This can be verified by running the following command:

vmtoolsd --cmd "info-get guestinfo.ovfEnv"




  • SSH to SRM appliance login with admin and  then sudo to root user
    su -
  • Run the following command to create a Script "90-fix-deployment.sh"
vi /opt/vmware/bin/subseqboot.sh.d/90-fix-deployment.sh
  • Add the below to the file:

chattr -i /opt/vmware/etc/vami/ovfEnv.xml
sed -i -s '/PropertySection/a <Property oe:key="deployment_scenario" oe:value="SRM"/>' /opt/vmware/etc/vami/ovfEnv.xml
chattr +i /opt/vmware/etc/vami/ovfEnv.xml
  • Save and exit the file with the following command in vi
  • Provide executable permission to the file
chmod +x /opt/vmware/bin/subseqboot.sh.d/90-fix-deployment.sh
  • Reboot the appliance & reconfigure, now it must work.