SRM or VRMS VAMI Update wizard spins continuously before choosing an update source for upgrade
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SRM or VRMS VAMI Update wizard spins continuously before choosing an update source for upgrade


Article ID: 312735


Updated On:


VMware Live Recovery



1. The Update wizard spins continuously and times out with this error.

2. Unable to upgrade SRM or VRMS using VAMI or CLI  



Operation Failed
Failed to retrieve update.
Operation ID: a265683e-f5c5-4fe8-a819-6bc564107c89
12/12/23, 9:13:42 AM -0500


/var/log/vmware/dr/drconfig.log :  

opID=29c24581-2463-404b-8c23-67a23b3710a8-checkForUpdates:b50b] CheckForUpdates: Update task is in progress
2023-10-27T09:37:18.388+02:00 error drconfig[00950] [SRM@6876 sub=RetrieveUpdateOp opID=e0bc5a12-49d5-435f-8b6b-00183b05e2e8-checkForUpdates:8f6a] Command "/usr/bin/systemctl restart vami-sfcb" exit code: 1
--> stderr:
--> Job for vami-sfcb.service failed because a timeout was exceeded.
--> See "systemctl status vami-sfcb.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
2023-10-27T09:37:18.391+02:00 verbose drconfig[00943] [SRM@6876 sub=PropertyProvider ctxID=6e43779a opID=e0bc5a12-49d5-435f-8b6b-00183b05e2e8-checkForUpdates:8f6a] RecordOp ASSIGN: info.progress, DrConfigConfigurationTask1. Applied change to temp map.
2023-10-27T09:37:18.441+02:00 error drconfig[00950] [SRM@6876 sub=RetrieveUpdateOp opID=e0bc5a12-49d5-435f-8b6b-00183b05e2e8-checkForUpdates:8f6a] Command "/opt/vmware/bin/vamicli update --check" exit code: 1
--> stderr:
--> Traceback (most recent call last):
-->  File "/opt/vmware/bin/vamicli", line 26, in <module>
-->   import time
--> ImportError: No module named time
2023-10-27T09:37:18.441+02:00 error drconfig[00950] [SRM@6876 sub=RetrieveUpdateOp opID=e0bc5a12-49d5-435f-8b6b-00183b05e2e8-checkForUpdates:8f6a] Operation failed
--> (drConfig.fault.FailedToRetrieveUpdateFault) {
-->  faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null, 
-->  faultMessage = <unset>
-->  msg = ""
--> }


VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.x


Missing RPM package from appliance.


1. Revert the snapshot to base disk and delete it. 

2. Take a new snapshot (without memory)

3. Download & unzip the file, move the rpm file to /tmp directory of the affected appliance using WinSCP. 

4. SSH into the appliance as admin user & then login as root

5. Install the rpm by running the command : rpm --force -ivh python2-libs-2.7.17-7.ph3.x86_64.rpm

root@SRM [ /tmp ]# rpm --force -ivh python2-libs-2.7.17-7.ph3.x86_64.rpm
Verifying...             ################################# [100%]
Preparing...             ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
  1:python2-libs-2.7.17-7.ph3    ################################# [100%]

6. Restart the vami-sfcb service : systemctl restart vami-sfcb 

7. Now, you should be able to select the update source as CD-ROM and proceed with installation. 

Additional Information


You cannot upgrade the appliance.



python2-libs-2.7.17-7.ph3.x86_64 get_app