1. The Update wizard spins continuously and times out with this error.
2. Unable to upgrade SRM or VRMS using VAMI or CLI
Operation Failed
Failed to retrieve update.
Operation ID: a265683e-f5c5-4fe8-a819-6bc564107c89
12/12/23, 9:13:42 AM -0500
/var/log/vmware/dr/drconfig.log :
opID=29c24581-2463-404b-8c23-67a23b3710a8-checkForUpdates:b50b] CheckForUpdates: Update task is in progress
2023-10-27T09:37:18.388+02:00 error drconfig[00950] [SRM@6876 sub=RetrieveUpdateOp opID=e0bc5a12-49d5-435f-8b6b-00183b05e2e8-checkForUpdates:8f6a] Command "/usr/bin/systemctl restart vami-sfcb" exit code: 1
--> stderr:
--> Job for vami-sfcb.service failed because a timeout was exceeded.
--> See "systemctl status vami-sfcb.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
2023-10-27T09:37:18.391+02:00 verbose drconfig[00943] [SRM@6876 sub=PropertyProvider ctxID=6e43779a opID=e0bc5a12-49d5-435f-8b6b-00183b05e2e8-checkForUpdates:8f6a] RecordOp ASSIGN: info.progress, DrConfigConfigurationTask1. Applied change to temp map.
2023-10-27T09:37:18.441+02:00 error drconfig[00950] [SRM@6876 sub=RetrieveUpdateOp opID=e0bc5a12-49d5-435f-8b6b-00183b05e2e8-checkForUpdates:8f6a] Command "/opt/vmware/bin/vamicli update --check" exit code: 1
--> stderr:
--> Traceback (most recent call last):
--> File "/opt/vmware/bin/vamicli", line 26, in <module>
--> import time
--> ImportError: No module named time
2023-10-27T09:37:18.441+02:00 error drconfig[00950] [SRM@6876 sub=RetrieveUpdateOp opID=e0bc5a12-49d5-435f-8b6b-00183b05e2e8-checkForUpdates:8f6a] Operation failed
--> (drConfig.fault.FailedToRetrieveUpdateFault) {
--> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
--> faultMessage = <unset>
--> msg = ""
--> }
Missing RPM package from appliance.
1. Revert the snapshot to base disk and delete it.
2. Take a new snapshot (without memory)
3. Download python2-libs-2.7.17-7.ph3.x86_64.zip & unzip the file, move the rpm file to /tmp directory of the affected appliance using WinSCP.
4. SSH into the appliance as admin user & then login as root
5. Install the rpm by running the command : rpm --force -ivh python2-libs-2.7.17-7.ph3.x86_64.rpm
root@SRM [ /tmp ]# rpm --force -ivh python2-libs-2.7.17-7.ph3.x86_64.rpm
Verifying... ################################# [100%]
Preparing... ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
1:python2-libs-2.7.17-7.ph3 ################################# [100%]
6. Restart the vami-sfcb service : systemctl restart vami-sfcb
7. Now, you should be able to select the update source as CD-ROM and proceed with installation.
You cannot upgrade the appliance.