ERROR The certificate's Subject Alternative Name does not contain one of the following: - an IP address that matches the SRM host IP - a DNS name that matches the SRM host name - a common Name field that matches the SRM host name. Operation ID: 8b9238a7-8004-4c88-9025-e49d0b17a4f0
SRM Appliance certificate has expired
You cannot change the appliance certificate to FQDN
You are unable to change the certificate from using a short name to FQDN
Login to SRM Appliance using putty & change the hostname to reflect FQDN
root@SRMPR [ /opt/vmware/share/vami ]# ./vami_config_net Main Menu 0) Show Current Configuration (scroll with Shift-PgUp/PgDown) 1) Exit this program 2) Default Gateway 3) Hostname 4) DNS 5) Proxy Server 6) IP Address Allocation for eth0 Enter a menu number [0]:
Press 3 to change the hostname to FQDN
Example: If the hostname is SRMPR, change it to SRMPR.vr.local (FQDN)
Now, try changing the certificate in SRM Appliance by entering the FQDN & it will work.