SRM skips IP Customization of virtual machines
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SRM skips IP Customization of virtual machines


Article ID: 312664


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VMware Live Recovery


  1. IP customization rules are skipped. 
  2. Manual IP customization is also skipped.  


recovery.powerOnTimeout is set to 0. SRM does not set _ipSettings and _useIpMapper if the powerOnTimeout is 0.

Check user-configured powerOnTimeout. If it's set to 0, then according to the VmRecoverySettings VMODL we should not be waiting for tools, etc, which would mean the workflow would fail down the road. So, we just bail out early.

VMware-dr.log : 

2022-07-22T15:25:06.471-06:00 verbose vmware-dr[13463] [SRM@6876 sub=Recovery ctxID=b009fd5b opID=3ba6a993-f1ce-4722-a70f-d4723c793104-test:7e32:f152:69c2] [ca5ad5fa-9f15-4390-aa12-867d576a0e3e.failoverOrchJob] Performing IP customization (if applicable) for VM RH7development4 [vm-6908]
2022-07-22T15:25:06.474-06:00 verbose vmware-dr[13154] [SRM@6876 sub=Recovery ctxID=b009fd5b opID=3ba6a993-f1ce-4722-a70f-d4723c793104-test:7e32:f152:69c2:a6aa] [ca5ad5fa-9f15-4390-aa12-867d576a0e3e.ipCust-protected-vm-277486] Initializing IP customization for VM [vim.VirtualMachine:1120d886-8d5e-4166-9a36-6aea1402ca78:vm-6908] with name RH7development4 [vm-6908]
2022-07-22T15:25:06.474-06:00 warning vmware-dr[13154] [SRM@6876 sub=Recovery ctxID=b009fd5b opID=3ba6a993-f1ce-4722-a70f-d4723c793104-test:7e32:f152:69c2:a6aa] [ca5ad5fa-9f15-4390-aa12-867d576a0e3e.ipCust-protected-vm-277486] PowerOnTimeout is set to 0 for RH7development4 [vm-6908]
2022-07-22T15:25:06.474-06:00 verbose vmware-dr[13154] [SRM@6876 sub=Recovery ctxID=b009fd5b opID=3ba6a993-f1ce-4722-a70f-d4723c793104-test:7e32:f152:69c2:a6aa] [ca5ad5fa-9f15-4390-aa12-867d576a0e3e.ipCust-protected-vm-277486] Starting prepare VM master job for RH7development4 [vm-6908]
2022-07-22T15:25:06.475-06:00 verbose vmware-dr[13154] [SRM@6876 sub=Recovery ctxID=b009fd5b opID=3ba6a993-f1ce-4722-a70f-d4723c793104-test:7e32:f152:69c2:a6aa] [ca5ad5fa-9f15-4390-aa12-867d576a0e3e.ipCust-protected-vm-277486] VM RH7development4 [vm-6908] doesn't need guest operations 

We can check the powerOnTimeout value in /opt/vmware/srm/conf/vmware-dr.xml as shown below OR from the SRM UI under Advanced settings > Recovery Settings




Reset the value of recovery.powerOnTimeout to default at both the sites.

Restart srm-server service (Appliance) OR VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager Server service (Windows)