IP customization is skipped during test recovery in SRM
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IP customization is skipped during test recovery in SRM


Article ID: 312661


Updated On:


VMware Live Recovery


  • During a test recovery, VMs are recovered on a bubble network created on a standard switch
  • Network mappings and test recovery networks are set as user defined.
  • In the dr.log file, you see entries similar to:

    SRM polling the DV switch config

    017-04-18T14:36:04.703-10:00 [03032 verbose 'HbrProvider' opID=605878fc:1f96:10c9:2427] Found portgroup 'dvportgroup-23' with MoId 'dvportgroup-10' named 'YSDC-DVUplinks-22'
    2017-04-18T14:36:04.703-10:00 [03032 verbose 'HbrProvider' opID=605878fc:1f96:10c9:2427] Found portgroup 'dvportgroup-24' with MoId 'dvportgroup-11' named 'YSDC-DEV'
    2017-04-18T14:36:04.703-10:00 [03032 verbose 'HbrProvider' opID=605878fc:1f96:10c9:2427] Found portgroup 'dvportgroup-28' with MoId 'dvportgroup-12' named 'YSDC-DR-LAN'

    Initiating VM network for failover:

    2017-04-18T14:00:51.994-10:00 [01760 verbose 'Recovery' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d:de11] Configuring test network for vm [vim.VirtualMachine:########-####-####-####-########529a:vm-1692]
    2017-04-18T14:00:51.994-10:00 [02308 verbose 'Recovery' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d:de11] Obtaining test network for network [vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup:dvportgroup-28] on vm [vim.VirtualMachine:########-####-####-####-########529a:vm-1692]
    2017-04-18T14:00:52.009-10:00 [01760 verbose 'Recovery' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d:de11] Obtaining test network for network [vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup:dvportgroup-28] on host [vim.HostSystem:########-####-####-####-########529a:host-213]
    2017-04-18T14:00:52.009-10:00 [01760 verbose 'Recovery' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d:de11] No user defined test network for [vim.dvs.DistributedVirtualPortgroup:dvportgroup-28]; getting a test bubble network
    2017-04-18T14:00:52.025-10:00 [01760 info 'Recovery' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d:de11] Creating test network for host [vim.HostSystem:########-####-####-####-########529a:host-213]
    2017-04-18T14:00:52.041-10:00 [01760 verbose 'HostDomain' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d:de11] Creating virtual switch srmvs-7e95d9c8-2af2-4185-a7bf-3 on host [vim.HostSystem:########-####-####-####-########529a:host-213] with 56 ports
    2017-04-18T14:00:53.916-10:00 [01516 verbose 'Recovery' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d:de11] Creation of virtual switch for host [vim.HostSystem:########-####-####-####-########529a:host-213], switch name: srmvs-7e95d9c8-2af2-4185-a7bf-3, succeeded
    2017-04-18T14:00:53.916-10:00 [01516 verbose 'HostDomain' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d:de11] Creating port group 'srmpg-########-####-####-####-########dabe' on host [vim.HostSystem:########-####-####-####-########529a:host-213] on switch 'srmvs-7e95d9c8-2af2-4185-a7bf-3'

    Performing IP customization task:

    2017-04-18T14:00:55.603-10:00 [01508 verbose 'Recovery' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d] [########-####-####-####-########dabe.failoverOrchJob] Performing IP customization (if applicable) for VM Test_VM [vm-1692]
    2017-04-18T14:00:55.619-10:00 [02216 verbose 'Recovery' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d:dbc2] [########-####-####-####-########dabe.ipCust-protected-vm-63215] Initializing IP customization for VM [vim.VirtualMachine:########-####-####-####-########529a:vm-1692] with name Test_VM [vm-1692]
    2017-04-18T14:00:55.619-10:00 [02216 verbose 'Recovery' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d:dbc2] Found VM setting mappings; planDbId: 0, # of mappings: 1, # of protected VMs in the plan: 1
    2017-04-18T14:00:55.619-10:00 [02216 verbose 'Recovery' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d:dbc2] [########-####-####-####-########dabe.ipCust-protected-vm-63215] IP Mapping is enabled for VM Test_VM [vm-1692]
    2017-04-18T14:00:55.650-10:00 [02684 info 'Recovery' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d:dbc2] [IpMapper.Test 3] Found replication mapping dvportgroup-1740 to dvportgroup-12 for vm-1692:4000
    2017-04-18T14:00:55.650-10:00 [02684 warning 'Recovery' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d:dbc2] [IpMapper.Test 3] Actual VM network network-1708 mismatch to expected failover network dvportgroup-12 for vm-1692:4000
    2017-04-18T14:00:55.650-10:00 [02684 info 'Recovery' ctxID=1103eae2 opID=bc9d289:dd12:260d:dbc2] [########-####-####-####-########dabe.ipCust-protected-vm-63215] Skipping IP mapping based customization for VM Test_VM [vm-1692]
Note: This log excerpt is an example. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.


This issue occurs when the DV switch on the recovery site was previously imported from another vCenter instance. This causes a mismatch in the MOID and KEY of the DV switch port group stored in the VCDB.


To resolve this issue, recreate the DV-Switch manually from scratch.
  • Ensure that the migration from DV switch to standard is performed correctly before re-creating the DV switch.
  • Do not export and import the DV -Switch.