VXLAN configuration task timed-out waiting for Host Preparation status to turn GREEN
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VXLAN configuration task timed-out waiting for Host Preparation status to turn GREEN


Article ID: 312596


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VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere


  • VXLAN status on the cluster gives an error "VXLAN configuration task timed-out waiting for Host Preparation status to turn GREEN", but host preparation is GREEN.
  • NSX Manager logs (vsm.log) display message(s) similar to:
2019-06-02 08:52:46.828 GMT ERROR taskScheduler-25 HostSynchronizeTask:126 - - [nsxv@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="manager"] Timed-out waiting for Host Preparation status to turn GREEN in Cluster domain-c26, # host not in Green State 2
2019-06-02 08:52:46.830 GMT ERROR taskScheduler-25 HostSynchronizeTask:129 - - [nsxv@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="manager"] VXLAN configuration task timed-out waiting for Host Preparation status to turn GREEN on host-#
2019-06-02 08:52:46.854 GMT ERROR taskScheduler-25 HostSynchronizeTask:129 - - [nsxv@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="manager"] VXLAN configuration task timed-out waiting for Host Preparation status to turn GREEN on host-#
  • Running "Force Sync VXLAN" does not correct the error status.


VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere 6.4.x


If a "Force Sync VXLAN" task is running on the cluster while at least one ESXi host in the cluster is in "Not Ready" state, it will timeout waiting for all ESXi hosts to become GREEN and throw this error. Even after all the ESXi hosts in the cluster become GREEN again, the error remains.
This error is cosmetic issue and should not have any impact on the data path.

Currently, no logic is implemented to re-check and correct the VXLAN status after the ESXi hosts become GREEN.

This can happen for example if a cluster is upgrading and some of the ESXi hosts are "Not Ready" because they have not yet entered maintenance mode to complete the installation.


This is a known issue impacting VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere 6.4.x.


  1. First, identify the list of ESXi hosts contributing to the cluster's error by reviewing the NSX Manager logs (vsm.log) looking for the message highlighted in the Symptoms section.
  2. Once the ESXi hosts are identified, there are two possible workarounds for this issue.
    1. Take the offending ESXi hosts out of the cluster and put them back in. This will re-install the VIBs and correct the error status.
    2. Perform manual edits in the NSX Manager database. With this option, there is no need to take the ESXi hosts out of the cluster, if you wish to proceed with this operation, please open a support case with Broadcom Support and refer to this KB article.
      For more information, see Creating and managing Broadcom support cases.

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