2019-06-02 08:52:46.828 GMT ERROR taskScheduler-25 HostSynchronizeTask:126 - - [nsxv@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="manager"] Timed-out waiting for Host Preparation status to turn GREEN in Cluster domain-c26, # host not in Green State 2
2019-06-02 08:52:46.830 GMT ERROR taskScheduler-25 HostSynchronizeTask:129 - - [nsxv@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="manager"] VXLAN configuration task timed-out waiting for Host Preparation status to turn GREEN on host-#
2019-06-02 08:52:46.854 GMT ERROR taskScheduler-25 HostSynchronizeTask:129 - - [nsxv@6876 comp="nsx-manager" subcomp="manager"] VXLAN configuration task timed-out waiting for Host Preparation status to turn GREEN on host-#
VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere 6.4.x
This is a known issue impacting VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere 6.4.x.
looking for the message highlighted in the Symptoms section.