NSX Manager UI becomes inaccessible when snapshots are enabled on the appliance.
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NSX Manager UI becomes inaccessible when snapshots are enabled on the appliance.


Article ID: 312592


Updated On:


VMware NSX


  • Snapshots are being performed against the NSX-T manager appliance.
  • The NSX-T manager UI is not available with the following message: Component health: Unknown. Error code: 101
  • API calls to NSX-T manager do not work.
  • In the NSX-T support bundle the /var/log/cbm/tanuki.log shows that the CBM is timing out trying to get the localhost name.
INFO | jvm 8827 | 2023/01/06 16:16:42 | WrapperManager: Initializing...
 ERROR | wrapper | 2023/01/06 16:17:12 | Startup failed: Timed out waiting for a signal from the JVM.
 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/01/06 16:17:12 | Dumping JVM state.
 INFO | jvm 8827 | 2023/01/06 16:17:12 |
 INFO | jvm 8827 | 2023/01/06 16:17:12 | "main" #1 prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x000073206c015800 nid=0x2ed2 runnable [0x00007320733d7000]
 INFO | jvm 8827 | 2023/01/06 16:17:12 | java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
 INFO | jvm 8827 | 2023/01/06 16:17:12 | at java.net.Inet4AddressImpl.getLocalHostName(Native Method)
 INFO | jvm 8827 | 2023/01/06 16:17:12 | at java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost(InetAddress.java:1475)
 INFO | jvm 8827 | 2023/01/06 16:17:12 | at sun.management.VMManagementImpl.getVmId(VMManagementImpl.java:140)
 INFO | jvm 8827 | 2023/01/06 16:17:12 | at sun.management.RuntimeImpl.getName(RuntimeImpl.java:59)
 INFO | jvm 8827 | 2023/01/06 16:17:12 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 ERROR | wrapper | 2023/01/06 16:17:17 | JVM did not exit on request, termination requested.
 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/01/06 16:17:17 | JVM received a signal SIGKILL (9).
 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/01/06 16:17:17 | JVM process is gone.
 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/01/06 16:17:17 | JVM exited after being requested to terminate.
 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/01/06 16:17:23 | JVM process is gone.
 STATUS | wrapper | 2023/01/06 16:17:23 | Launching a JVM...
  • In the NSX-T support bundle the /var/log/cm-inventory/cm-inventory.log shows NettyConnection unhandled exceptions.
2023-01-02T12:24:27.938Z ERROR unix:RPC_PROXY_CONN_PROVIDER:worker-0 NettyInboundHandler 4249 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" errorCode="MP101" level="ERROR" subcomp="cm-inventory"] Closing connection NettyConnection(NettyChannel(local=null, remote=var/run/vmware/appl-proxy/aph.sock), active=true) because of unhandled exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/vmware/nsx/rpc/transport/netty/NsxRpcChunkHeader


VMware NSX-T


Tweaked snapshot settings for the NSX Manager appliance, causes NSX Manager UI to become inaccessible.

Taking snapshots of NSX appliances (NSX Manager, Global Manager, or NSX Edge Transport Node) is not supported.


There is no resolution to this issue as snapshots are unsupported.

Restore a backup to a new NSX-T appliance.

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