NSX-T upgrade in VCF fails with: Failed to collect edge cluster node host info maps
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NSX-T upgrade in VCF fails with: Failed to collect edge cluster node host info maps


Article ID: 312590


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VMware NSX


  • You are upgrading NSX-T from within VCF.
  • The upgrade fails with error like the following in the VCF log: lcm/thirdparty/upgrades/<update-attempt-uuid>/sddcmanager-migration-app/logs/sddcmanager_migration_app_upgrade.log
2021-06-19 12:43:46.865 ERROR [,,,] 14851 --- [ool-2-thread-13] c.v.e.s.o.model.error.ErrorFactory : [8RIT02] EDGE_NODE_HOST_INFO_COLLECTION_FAILED Failed to collect edge cluster node host info maps
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [na:1.8.0-internal] Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Host host-## not found
  • Using the NSX-T REST API /api/v1/fabric/nodes in the results we can see the Edge node is referring to the host from the error above in the host-id section:
            "host_id": "host-XX",
            "hostname": "########.####.local",

Note: In the above message host-XX, will refer to a specific vCenter host MOID, to see the MOID.
The UUID for each upgrade will change, to find the most recent, go to lcm/thirdparty/upgrades/ and run ls -ltr to find the most recent upgrade attempt.


VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.x
VMware NSX 4.x
VMware Cloud Foundation


This happens when the edge node still refers to the ESXi host, even after that host has been removed from vCenter.
This may occur due to incorrect process used to remove an ESXi host in a VCF/NSX environment.


Use the correct process to remove ESXi host from VCF and NSX environments.

NSX-T process: Uninstall NSX-T Data Center from a vSphere Cluster

VCF process: Decommission Hosts

Replace the NSX edge node that is referring to the no longer present ESXi host: Replace an NSX Edge Transport Node Using the NSX Manager UI