As enable the FT with encrypted VM , can not power on the secondary VM .
In vmkernel log will seen below messages as create the secondary VM .
2023-04-01T16:14:36.779Z cpu10:2102153 opID=6e8185fd)World: 12077: VC opID lfy4p54k-7427-auto-5qc-h5:70003725-1b-03-01-cb-fae0 maps to vmkernel opID 6e8185fd
2023-04-01T16:14:36.779Z cpu10:2102153 opID=6e8185fd)Config: 756: "SIOControlFlag2" = 0, Old Value: 1, (Status: 0x0)
2023-04-01T16:14:37.034Z cpu16:2118239)WARNING: FTCpt: 5231: (1498946642897299912 snd) scsi0:0: write 4096 bytes at 3796127744 offset failed: status 0x8 reissue 0
2023-04-01T16:14:37.045Z cpu16:2118239)WARNING: FTCpt: 5231: (1498946642897299912 snd) scsi0:0: write 16384 bytes at 998834176 offset failed: status 0x8 reissue 0
2023-04-01T16:15:00.448Z cpu10:2097567)WARNING: FTCpt: 5231: (1498946642897299912 snd) scsi0:0: write 4096 bytes at 3796127744 offset failed: status 0x8 reissue 15
2023-04-01T16:15:00.448Z cpu10:2097567)WARNING: FTCpt: 5259: (1498946642897299912 snd) scsi0:0: write 4096 bytes at 3796127744 offset failed: status 0x8 reissue 15: I/O error
2023-04-01T16:15:00.475Z cpu0:2119093)WARNING: FTCpt: 5231: (1498946642897299912 snd) scsi0:0: write 16384 bytes at 998834176 offset failed: status 0x8 reissue 15
2023-04-01T16:15:00.475Z cpu0:2119093)WARNING: FTCpt: 5259: (1498946642897299912 snd) scsi0:0: write 16384 bytes at 998834176 offset failed: status 0x8 reissue 15: I/O error
2023-04-01T16:15:00.483Z cpu38:2119094)WARNING: FTCpt: 5231: (1498946642897299912 snd) scsi0:0: write 16384 bytes at 998850560 offset failed: status 0x8 reissue 15
2023-04-01T16:15:00.483Z cpu38:2119094)WARNING: FTCpt: 5259: (1498946642897299912 snd) scsi0:0: write 16384 bytes at 998850560 offset failed: status 0x8 reissue 15: I/O error
Cu can not set up the FT as customer encrypted the VM's vmdk .
So far there are not resolution.
Encrypt the VM home directory (Name sapce) , do not encrypted the vmdk .
As the VM been encrypted , can not set up the FT , Refer to our document, vSphere FT do not support Disk Encryption .