Admission failure in path: init/sh is logging on fujitsu server
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Admission failure in path: init/sh is logging on fujitsu server


Article ID: 312557


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VMware vSphere ESXi


In vmkernel log, you can see below OOM logs
2019-08-18T18:05:40.123Z cpu15:816282922)MemSchedAdmit: 470: Admission failure in path: init/sh.816282924/uw.816282924
2019-08-18T18:05:40.123Z cpu15:816282922)MemSchedAdmit: 477: uw.816282924 (6502701390) extraMin/extraFromParent: 17025/17025, init (804) childEmin/eMinLimit: 53597/56320
2019-08-18T18:05:40.123Z cpu15:816282922)WARNING: LinuxThread: 423: sh: Error cloning thread: -28 (bad0081)

When you check init resource group and running prcess list, you can find 'dct_worker' process is running on init resource group
- init resource group (You can check it from log bundle)
commands$ automagicallyrun memstats -c vsi_traverse_-s.txt -r group-stats -s name:min:max:conResv:availResv:eMinPeak:rMinPeak:flags -g 816
     gid                         name        min        max    conResv  availResv   eMinPeak   rMinPeak            flags
     804                         init     111616     225280      11572     213708     224692     224692               ug
   12095                   sh.2100954          0         -1       1608     215868       1608       1608         uw:np:co        << dct_worker process
   12096           worldGroup.2100954          0         -1          0     216004        136        136   lf:pr:np:ke:sc
   12097                   uw.2100954          0         -1          0     216120        792        792  lf:pr:np:sc:usr
   12098              vsiHeap.2100954          0         -1          0     214536        136        136   lf:pr:np:ke:sc
   12099                   pt.2100954          0         -1          0     214532        132        132   lf:pr:np:ke:sc
   12100           cartelheap.2100954          0         -1          0     214136        276        276   lf:pr:np:ke:sc
   12101            uwshmempt.2100954          0         -1          0     212932          0          0   lf:pr:np:ke:sc
   12102     uwAsyncRemapHeap.2100954          0         -1          0     214132        136        136   lf:pr:np:ke:sc

commands$ less ps_-cPTgjstz.txt |grep 2100954
WID      CID      WorldName                       GID     PGID    SID     PCID     Type    State   Wait    CPU   Time          Command
2100954  2100954  sh                              2100954  2099760  2099760  2097905  U       WAIT    UPIPER  0-79     31.141138  /bin/sh /usr/lib/cim/dct_worker

- In this situation you can meet issue like below.
Stop vmkernel logging
Host operation failed
Host not responsive issue


VMware vSphere ESXi 6.5
VMware vSphere ESXi 6.7


This issue occurs because init process OOM(Out of Memory) and the root cause is Fujitsu's CIM provider process(dct_worker) is running on init resource group.
Init process is related with many other processes and no other 3rd party process should not be running on init resource group.


It's resolved in ServerView RAID Core Provider 9.10.04.
Customer need to contact hardware vendor and resolve this issue with updating CIM provider.

Customer need to contact hardware vendor and get support from them.
Here is the detailed procedure to install and remove VIB.
1. Upload the CIM provider file and unzip it
2. Stop sfcbd_watchdog
   /etc/init.d/sfcbd_watchdog stop
3. Install software
 ex) esxcli software vib install –d /tmp/ FTS_Ser~/esxi/Fujitsu~/
4. remove previous software
  esxcli software vib remove –n raid0
5. start sfcbd_watchdog
/etc/init.d/sfcbd_watchdog start
6. Check the init resource group
memstats -r group-stats mb -s'gid:name:eMinPeak:rMinPeak:consumed'|grep init 
You can find the init group number from above command
memstats -r "group-stats" -s "name:min:max:eMinPeak:rMinPeak:consumed" -l 2 -g [INIT_GROUP_NUMBER]