[VMC on AWS] Collecting and Uploading the vCenter Cloud Gateway log bundle
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[VMC on AWS] Collecting and Uploading the vCenter Cloud Gateway log bundle


Article ID: 312509


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VMware Cloud on AWS


To provide the steps to collect the vCenter Cloud Gateway log bundle and upload them to a service request (SR).

The vCenter Cloud Gateway log bundle may be required for investigation into an issue.


Collecting a support bundle from the vCenter Cloud Gateway using a web browser

  1. Open a web browser and navigate to https://Cloud-Gateway-Address:443/appliance/support-bundle
  2. When prompted for credentials, use the root credentials set during deployment. 
  3. The log bundle download will automatically begin.

Collecting a support bundle from the vCenter Cloud Gateway using command line

  1. Open a console or SSH session to the vCenter Cloud Gateway. 
  2. Log in with the root credentials. 
  3. If prompted to enable shell, type shell.set --enabled true and press Enter.
  4. Type shell and press Enter.
  5. Run the command vc-support -l to export the log bundle to /storage/log/.

To upload the logs to an SR, follow the steps documented in this VMware KB: Uploading diagnostic information for VMware by Broadcom