This is a known issue affecting HCX versions prior to release R121.To avoid this issue, the environment’s source and target HCX Managers should be upgraded to R121, and all Network Extension appliances should be upgraded to R121.Workaround:
Preventative Workaround:If the environment has not yet been upgraded to R121, the issue can be prevented by taking one of the following actions:Option 1:Redeploy all Network Extension appliances by following these steps:
- In the source vSphere HCX UI, navigate to Interconnect -> Multi-Site Service Mesh -> Service Mesh
- Click the “View Appliances” button
- Check the checkbox next to the Network Extension appliances
- Click the “Redeploy” button
Note: Redeploying the Network Extension appliance will cause a brief loss of connectivity on the extended network data-path between the source and target VMs while the redeploy is underway.
Option 2:Enable the option “Connect At Power On” for all in-use network adapters of all Network Extension appliances in the target environment by following these steps:
- In the target vSphere UI, for each Network Extension appliance, right click on the Network Extension appliance VM and click “Edit Settings”
- Expand all of the network adapters that are attached to an extended network
- If the option “Connect At Power On” is unchecked, check the checkbox
- Click OK
Note: The corrective action taken in either Option 1 or Option 2 will need to be done any time a network is extended until the environment is upgraded to release R121Impacted Workaround:If the environment has not yet been upgraded to R121, and a vSphere Availability event has
occurred due to a host failure, or if the Network Extension appliance has been power-cycled, and
there is a loss of connectivity on the extended network data-path, the issue can be resolved by
taking the following action:
Enable the option “Connected” and “Connect At Power On” for all in-use network adapters of all Network Extension appliances in the target environment by following these steps:
- In the target vSphere UI, for each impacted Network Extension appliance, right click on the Network Extension appliance VM and click “Edit Settings”
- Expand all of the network adapters that are attached to an extended network
- If the options “Connected” and “Connect At Power On” are unchecked, check both checkboxes
- Click OK