VM with vGPU and large amount of memory becomes unresponsive during vmotion
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VM with vGPU and large amount of memory becomes unresponsive during vmotion


Article ID: 312395


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


- vMotion of a VM with a supported vGPU and a large amount of Memory (example 120 GB)
- VM becomes unresponsive at approximately 70% for 45+ seconds depending on active workload on VM
- Ping response time on an impacted VM does increase but does respond.
- vMotion is eventually successful.
- A VM with supported vGPU and a smaller amount of memory (example 8GB) does not experience this problem.
- An error message while trying to migrate VM with high memory (example 130 GB) and vGPU :
"PCI Plugin reported error during migrate checkpoint write for device pciPassthru0"


VMware vCenter Server 7.0.3
VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.7.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.7.x


VMware is aware of sub-optimal memory pinning performance in certain scenarios like those described above,  and are currently working to improve this in a future release.


Currently there is no resolution for this behaviour.

Currently there is no workaround for this behaviour

If you have VM's with GPU's and a large amount of memory
- migrate the VM during times of low to no workload on the VM.
- If a critical VM and the impact of the stun time would be unacceptable for you, and it is a member of DRS enabled cluster where the automation level is 'Fully Automated' - consider setting a custom automation for this VM to 'Partially Automated'
- Reboot the VM to free the memory buffer.

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